Chapter 38 - Lost Elephant

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Jesy's POV

Eloise's elephant still had a pretty permanent attachment to her hand. At first I let it happen, she's five and after the car accident she needed some kind of constant source of comfort with her. Eventually I convinced her to not take it to school and slowly but surely leave it at home. The majority of the time. 

But not today. 

Eloise: "Can I bring elephant to the store?" She asked clutching the old dirty grey elephant as she pulled on her shoes. 

Me: "No, elephant stays in the house," I said, she often did this, asking to bring it but as soon as I said no throwing the poor thing on to the couch and moving on with her life. I assumed this would be the same situation but for some unknown reason, today not being able to bring elephant was the equivalent to suggesting that the three of us go to the supermarket without clothes on. 

Eloise: "NO! Elephant really really wants to come! We can't leave her at home!" she cried throwing herself on the floor. 

Me: "No, darling. Elephant stays in the house, you know the rules," I said. 

Eloise: "But-but! You're letting Olivia come!" She's actually comparing her real life, breathing sister to a stuffed animal. I don't know what to say. 

Me: "Olivia is your sister! We can't leave your sister at home," I say trying to stifle my laughter. 

Eloise: "Elephant has to be able to come!" 

Me: "Fine! Bring elephant!" I give in, I was planning on a quick thirty minute trip to the store to get some food for tonight and the longer we argued the longer it was going to take.

Eloise gave me a triumphant little smile and happily finished putting her shoes on. The two girls sat in the back of the car, Olivia singing along to the music (the 'Moana' soundtrack which I constantly had in my head after putting up with it in the car for the last few months) and Eloise quietly played with the toy. 

Me: "Can you leave elephant in the car, please," I said pulling into the parking lot. While everywhere there were signs advising you not to leave valuables in the car, I don't think thieves would be particularly interested in stealing a stuffed elephant, although clearly they didn't know how much money I would pay if they put it up for ransom! 

Eloise: "Why? 

Me: "You'll be upset if you lose her in the store," I said, ironically foreshadowing the events of the rest of the day. 

Eloise: "Oh, okay," she agreed tossing the toy back in to the car. 

And that was the last time, I am sure that I saw the stuffed elephant... 

As horror movie-esque as it sounds, the next few days did resemble a parent's worst nightmare. 

We got back into the car, approximately 27 minutes later with two bags full of food and as I turned around in my seat to make sure both girls were buckled in, I may have seen the little tail of the elephant, but then again I may not have done. 

It was about an hour after we got home, that Eloise asked after elephant. Perrie had come round for dinner and the two of us were sat in the kitchen while the girls played upstairs. I hadn't even thought about the elephant after we had come home, I was so used to it staying at home that I just assumed it was there. 

Eloise: "Where's elephant?" She asked coming into the kitchen sucking her thumb, it was getting towards her bedroom and she was obviously tired. 

Me: "I don't know bubba, is she in your bedroom?" I asked barely paying attention. 

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