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When Brendon's Mom came to get him on Sunday, he hardly said a word to her. Or me. Or anyone. He just kind of sat in silence.

"Are you doing anything today Dallon?" His mother asked me.

"Um... no, not really..."

She smiled and clapped her hands. "Oh good! You can come to family lunch! It'll be so good for Brendon to finally have a friend to bring!"

Brendon grunted slightly.

"Do you want me to come Bren?" I asked.

He didn't respond, just got up and went back to his room.

Before I knew it, I was sitting in the back of his mother's car on the way to family lunch.

"We do this on the first Saturday of every month." His Mom smiled. "It's so good for all the family to get together for a meal and just talk. It's always a good time. Brendon enjoys it, don't you Bren?" She placed a hand on his thigh.

He just grunted a response.

She sighed softly, before changing the conversation. "So, how's school going guys? Classes all good?"

"Oh, yeah." I answered. "Keeping up with everything. We're having a music recital next month, and hopefully that'll be awesome."

"Really?! That's great! I'll be there!"

Brendon grunted.

"Oh, too cool for your old Mom?" She laughed slightly.

I chuckled.

Brendon just remained silent, his eternal scowl still sketched on his face.

Eventually, we reached his house. Brendon folded his cane up and placed it in his bag. I guessed he didn't need it to navigate his own house. I guess when you've lived somewhere your whole life, it's easier.

As soon as Grace opened the door, Brendon was tackled by hugs but at least 6 children. "Uncle Brendon!"

Brendon panicked and froze up. "M-Mom?"

"Alright, alright. Relax." Grace giggled and pulled the kids off. "Let Uncle Brendon breathe."

"But Grandma!"

"Come on, let's go have ice cream." She led the kids off to the kitchen. Brendon took a deep breath and disappeared down the hallway too quickly for me to follow.

I made my way down to the dining room, where a group of adults were sitting around the table. They all smiled at me, and introduced themselves as Brendon's siblings. Matt, Mason, Kyla and Kara.

"So, you're the one who got the job of taking care of my little brother." Matt smiled at me.

I smiled in return. "Yeah, we're roommates."

Mason snorted. "Good luck."

My face fell. "Huh?"

"Well, it's not that Brendon's a bad guy..." Kyla murmured. "He's just..."

"He hates us." Mason stated.

"No, I think he hates that he needs us." Kara added.

"He's a bit of recluse." Matt shrugged. "I think in the past year.... 8 words to me in total?"

Kara sighed. "Can we stop hating? Please? He's our brother, guys."

"I know, I know, and I love him as much as I love all of you, but you gotta admit he's a little strange."

The conversation was interrupted by the sound of the piano. The 4 just sighed.

"He's really good..." I murmured.

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