Sunshine(A Dean Ambrose FanFic)

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*Warning; This was my first fanfic and you know how rusty they can be!!:3 I recently went back through and reread this. There are MANY mistakes with spelling or grammar. But I've decided I won't go through and revise it.. this was my first finished work and I would like to reflect on how far my writing had come and how it's bettered. Thank you all!*

It was barley midnight and I was already drunk off my ass.

"Bianca, I think it's time to slow down." My best friend Mia told me.

"You don't tell me when to slow down!" I slurred.

Mia grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the bar.

"Just because it's your 21st birthday doesn't mean you have to drink the bar dry." She yelled.

"What ever."

We got to the car and Mia went to open the doors.

"Fuck! I lost the keys!" She screamed.

I chuckled then started puking.

"Great.." She said holding my hair back.

"You lady's need some help?" A man with a deep voice asked.

That is all I can remember about the night of my 21st birthday.

I rolled over in bed and my body came in contact with something hard.

"What the fuck!" I screamed angrily.

I sat up and took in my surroundings. I was in a big bedroom that was very messy. Then I looked beside me and a man was laying there.

"Oh my..." I said as I seen he was fully naked.

"Don't worry, we didn't have sex. You undressed both of us, climbed on top of me, then puked in my face. I got up to clean myself off and when I came back you were passed out so I covered you up and let you sleep." He said without opening his eyes.

"Um, did you kidnap me?" I said pulling the sheet over my naked body.

He sat up in bed and started to explain, "well first of all.."

"I'm sorry I can't concentrate until you cover your junk."

He chuckled and grabbed a pillow, "okay so, I saw you and your friend.. Uh, mya? No Mia! Yeah you and Mia were locked out of your car so I asked if y'all needed help. I stayed with y'all until roadside assistance showed up to unlock the car but as you were getting in the car you changed your mind and climbed into my car. I tired to reason with you but you insisted."

"So you just let some random girl climb into your car?" I asked annoyed.

"It was kinda hard to say no with you all over me. I mean come on. I am a guy." He chuckled.

"You sound like a fucking pig!" I said searching for my clothes.

"Oh by the way, you threw your shirt out the window last night."


"Here," he said grabbing a shirt, "just take one of mine."

"No thanks. Because when I take guys shirts it's normally when I like them and I don't like you."

"Then you could just borrow it."

"That'd mean I'd have to give it back."


"And what makes you think I want to see you again?"

He glared at me as he asked, "So you're just going to go home shirtless?"

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