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*3rd person POV*

The leaves were finally changing colors letting the world know fall was in full swing. Jon woke up early that morning. He knew his wife always enjoyed the fall and wanted to do somethings nice for her today. Walking to the kitchen he started some bacon and eggs. She loved it when he cooked for her.

Jon heard footsteps coming down the stairs and he knew exactly who it was. "Boom, What are you doing up this early?" He asked turning to face his son.

"I can't find my car keys dad." He explained.

Jon shook his head and walked to the living room. grabbing the boys keys he handed them to him. "I swear you'd loose your head if it wasn't attached!"

Jon went back to cooking the food as he heard Boom laugh. He could barley believe it. His son was 16 years old. Time flew right by Bianca and him. As Jon set all the food on the table he waited for Bee to get up. He knew better than to wake her up, last time he made it out with a black eye.

Waking to the living room Jon looked at all the pictures hanging on the wall. There was some of Boom when he was little, a picture from the wedding, a few of him and Bee when they first got together, and one of him in the ring. He was hugging Roman and Seth. It was right after Jon defeated Brock Lesnar for the championship.

He missed wrestling. But settling into his forties he decided it was time to give it up. One thing Jon always said was that wrestling was the love of his life, that he owed pro wrestling. That was still true, he owed hi life to wrestling but, he also owed his life to his family. There was one thing that would compare to the way it felt winning a match. And that was giving his children the life he never had.

"Morning Morning." Bee said as she carefully walked down the steps.

Jon's face lit with a smile as he walked to his pregnant wife. He gave her a sweet kiss then bent down to her stomach. "Good morning sweetness." he cooed.

"Have you woken the boys up?" Bianca asked Jon.

"Boom came down here but I haven't seen Cater yet." Jon explained.

"BOYS!!" Bee yelled, "Get your asses down here!!"

Not eve a minute later the boys were running down the stairs. Jon shook his head while Bianca had a smile on her lips.

"I don't know how you do that babe." Jon said helping her to the table.

"It's only because they're scared of me." She laughed.

As Bianca set down the looked over her boys. It seemed like just yesterday Boom was a baby. Now he's sixteen years old. And Carter, her sweet little Carter. He was 13 years old, not too far behind Boom. He looked just like his daddy.Bee smiled and rubbed her stomach before she began to eat.

"So, you ready to get that thing out of your stomach momma?" Carter joked.

"Yes! And your dad better not ut another one in there," she smiled, "We were pushing it with you too."

They both laughed.

"I'm ready," Jon said, "Before too long we'll have our own little football team."

Bee laughed, "It's totally a girl."

"It's a boy, I know it is."

"Care to bet on it?" Bee asked smirking.

"Yes, loser has to cook dinner every night for a month."

"Deal."Bee said reaching over to shake his hand.

As she reached over Boom coouldn't help but notice the spot on her pajamas.

"Mom?" He said weirdly.

"Yes son?" She asked as she ate."

"Uhm, did you piss your pants?"

Bee looked down to find a big wet spot and a puddle on the floor. She began laughing a little causing everyone else to look at her funny. She looked down At her stomach and spoke, "You couldn't have waited until I ate my breakfast?"

*16 Hours Later*

"So who won?" Jon asked as he looked at his wife laying in the hospital bed.

Bianca chuckled, "I guess we both did."

"Hows that going to work?"

"We could alternate days."

"Sounds good, You can start."

Bee looked a him with and eyebrow raised. Jon chuckled and placed his hand on her thigh. They defiantly didn't see this coming. The door opened and both of their boys walked in. They asked how Bee was doing and was asking who would be cooking dinner for a month. Jon and Bee both laughed without answering the boys.

A nurse opened the door and wheeled in a baby bed. When she placed the bed in front of the boys their mouths dropped.

"Twins?" The both said at the same time.

Jon grabbed the little girl they decided to name Charlotte as the nurse handed Bee the little boy they named Jacob. They were so tiny. Neither Bee or Jon could believe this was happening.

"Would you take a picture of all of us?" Boom asked as he handed the nurse a camera.

They gathered around Bianca as they all smiled.

"Future Diva's Champ right here." Jon said causing everyone to laugh.

"Just think we could make the Ambrose legacy." Bee chuckled.

"Boy's you better work on your wrestler names." Jon joked.



a/n: Guys I'm sor it took so long to post this. I just honestly didn't want to. Because I knew, this is it.

I had so much fun writing this story and meeting all of you wonderful people. Thank you for reading along. You guys are fucking rad, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

If you'd like to follow me throughout the rest of my writing I've started a fanfic called My Shield. I'm pretty sure you can guess who it's about.(:

So check that out if you want.

Well, I guess thats it. See you guys!!(,:

For the last time,


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