Chapter 20

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I followed Jon to Hunters office and my hands were sweating. I was pretty nervous. Why would he want to have an ex boxer on his roster?

Jon held the door open and I went in.

"Well you must be Bianca!!" He said shaking my hand.

"That's my name." I sat down in the chair in front of him and Jon sat beside me.

"so, are you going to offer me a job or are we all going to set here and stare at each other?" I asked.

Jon kicked me softly. I looked at him and he shook his head no as if saying don't say that.

Hunter laughed, "I think you'll get along just fine here!"

"I don't play well with others.."

"Most of us don't!" Jon said laughing.

"Dean's right. I think you can go very far in this business though. I saw you take Dean down. That was pretty impressive."

"That was me playing!" I said laughing.

"So, what do ya say? Join our team?"

I tapped my chin as both men sat there waiting as if it was going to save their lives.

"Yes- but, I want an open contract."

"Hah, Bianca, I don't negotiate contracts. You'll stay with us for at least six months. If you don't like it you may leave then."

"Haha, Hunter, I don't negotiate MY conditions. I want a open contract or I'm walking."

He glared at me but then agreed.

"We have a lot to go over. I hope you're ready because your debut will be tonight."

"That's fine." I say smirking.

"Are you familiar with miss Natalya?"

"Nope, but I can beat her." I said as if it was no problem.

"We'll see. Now a stage name. Something people will love!"



"Yes! Perra."

"Why Perra?"

I stood up and walked to the door. Right before I turned the knob and left I looked back and said,

"Because it means Bitch in Spanish."




A few minutes later Jon walked out of his office.

"How was I?" I asked eager.

"Intimidating. But he really likes you."

I smiled with satisfaction as I hugged Jon close to me.

"I love you." He whispered through my hair.

"I love you more." I said into his chest.

"We need to get you some ring gear."

"What are we waiting for?" I asked pulling him to the door.






I stood at the top of the ramp nervous as hell. I got a glimpse of this Natalya girl and she was a lot bigger than me. This might be harder than I thought..

I examined myself once more in the mirrior.

I had on a pair of tight short shorts, a turquoise half top with the world shaded in black on my back, my Chuck Taylor's, and my hair straightened. I fixed my winging makeup and ruffled my hair a bit then I heard it. My theme.

I ain't no G, I'm just a regular failure

I ain't straight outta Compton I'm straight out the trailer

Cuss like a sailor...drink like a Mick

My only words of wisdom are just, Radio Edit

I'm flicking my Bic up and down that coast and

Keep on trucking until it falls in the ocean

I walked down the ramp with a giant smirk on my face. People were pretty caught off gaurd. I don't know if it was because how little I was or my theme I picked out. Either way, all eyes were on me. I slid into the ring and someone handed me a microphone.

"Helloooo." I sung.

"Who the hell are you? I thought I was wrestling a new girl not a little girl!" Natalya said laughing.

"Who the hell am I?! Haha," I got closer to her, "I'm your worst nightmare."

She looked at me disguised.

"As for all you," I said waving towards the crowd, "my name is Perra. Get use to this, you guys will be seeing me a lot around here. I'm not like all these other Divas around here. I'm different, I'm better! I'm going to change the face of WWE forever, and there's not a damn thing any of you guys can do about it. I may not be the biggest girl here but believe me, dynamite comes in small packages honey."

With that I went after Natalya. I was punching her in the head when I heard a bell ring. Now it's go time.

She started pulling my hair like a little bitch so I yanked my hair back, her ripping a little bit if it out. I didn't care though. I was determined to win.

I bounced off the ropes and clothes lined her. She still got up.

She took me down and pinned me but before the ref could get to one I kicked out.

She grunted and started at me again. I rolled and she hit her elbow on the floor of the ring.

After she sat there in pain for a moment she stood back up. I bounced off one rope, into the other one and did a double drop kick to Natalya. I covered her for the win.

The crowd went nuts as the red held my had up in victory. I smirked and grabbed another mic.

I got down by Natalya and said,

"I told ya."

I then dropped the mic and went up the ramp.

Jon was waiting for me as I walked back there. I jumped into his arms.

"You did so good baby!" He said twirling me around.

"I felt like such a badass!"

"It's because you are!"

"Dean, y'all are next!" A tech said behind us.

"Shit, I gotta go baby. Wait for me? It'll be short. Were just cutting a promo about Evolution."

"I'm not going anywhere." I said pecking his lips.

I watched as Jon walked off, a smirk still plastered on my face.

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