Chapter 37

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**Bianca's POV.**

As soon as I got back to the house Jason introduced me to his daughter, Dorit.

"Hello Ms. Dorit." I say shaking her hand.

"Hello Ali!" She giggled.

"So Dorit, do you like wrestling?" I asked.

"Oh god, don't get her started!" Jason said laughing.

"I love wrestling!! When I go to nana Susan's house I watch it. My favorite wrestler is Wade Barrett." she said smiling really big.

"Well aren't you in luck! I have three tickets to tonight's taping! Would you like to go?"

"Yes yes yes yes! Daddy can we?!?"

"Of course Hunny! Why don't you go outside and play. I have to speak with Ali alone for a dew minutes.

Dorit happily skipped to the backyard. She was beautiful. She had long brown hair and big beautiful brown eyes, she looked nothing like Jason.

"Where did you go?" he asked as we sat down.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"I had to go get Dorit."

"Well I didn't know what I was supposed to do. You just left me at this weird house I had no idea where I was. I was scared Jason! So I walked."

"Well I don't want you leaving my sight. Ever. I almost lost you once, I'm not letting it happen again!" he said standing up and walking to the kitchen.

I was honestly scared. What was I supposed to do? Jason was nothing like I had remembered. I felt as if I wanted to run down the road and never come back. Sure, I may be in a town that I don't know but I know how to leave, and I'm pretty sure I can do that.

Jason walked back to me and said,

"If we are going go get ready. Up the stairs and to the right."

I did not dare say a word, I just walked up the steps and into the room. I opened the closet and saw clothes hanging up but it didn't look like anything I would wear. The clothes were straight up ugly.

Suddenly Jason opened the door and I jumped at his sudden moves. He slammed the door and locked it.

"What are you doing Jason?" I asked scared.

"I think you know." He said walked to me.

"Jason!" I said pushing him off me as he tried kissing me.

"Ali! You're going to do what I say! Lay on the bed!"

"No." I said pushing him to the ground.

I kicked him in the stomach as he reached for me.

"You don't EVER touch me that way again, Jason! Obviously I'm in a different place right now. When you decided you want to apologize I will be downstairs waiting. Hell, I might go ahead and leave with out you." I said walking out of the room.

--an hour later--

Jason, Dorit, and I were now walking backstage at the taping if wrestling. Dorit was as excited as she could be as Jason kept his durance from me. We showed our tickets to a man and he let us back.

As soon as we started walking people kept saying weird stuff to me like,

"Welcome back Bianca."

"It's good to see ya!"

"We so need to do lunch!"

It was odd but Jason told me to ignore it. I felt as if I had saw some of these people before an it was weird. But of course I probably just saw them on tv or something.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Jason said walking away.

Dorit and I stood there until someone caught her eye. She took off running me right behind her. After she stopped I noticed she ran to the man that gave me the tickets, Wade.

"Hello pretty ladies!" he said.

"Hi! My name is Dorit and I am your biggest fan!!" Dorit said wrapping her arms around him.

"Thank you love. And how are you doing Ali?" He asked.

"Great. And you?" I asked him.

"Ehh, Dean pretty much whooped my arse out there but I'm good."

"I hear my name what's going on?" A man asked Wade.

He looked at Dorit and then looked up at me. He looker likened had just saw a ghost. Something was familiar about this guy. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him and he couldn't keep his off of me.

"Bee?" he asked.

"No.. She's Ali." Jason said from behind me.

The man, Dean, looked at Jason then raised his eyebrows.

"What the hell is going on?" he asked.

"Dean. Let me explain!" Jason said taking a few steps back.

"Yeah, come with me!" He said walking towards a door.

I was so confused as I watch Jason go into this room with this very familiar man.

*Jon's POV*

I pushed him against the wall and growled lowly,

"Spill it!"

"Well we revived her and she made it but was in a coma. She's fine now."

"Why didn't anyone call me!?"

"You didn't leave info! she remembered you though.. but she thinks I'm you..."

"What!? Why didn't you tell her the goddamn truth?!" I screamed pushing him very hard against the wall.

"I couldn't. I just couldn't." he said while a tear slipped his eye.

I pushed him to the ground and walked back out to were they were standing.

I knew what I had to do. Maybe it would help her remember it was really me she fell in live with.

I walked up to her and grabbed her face, putting her lips on mine. Of course she tried to push me away but after a moment she didn't. She was actually kissing me back. As we tore apart I sat my forehead against hers and said.


She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered,


We held each other for a few moment and then I looked down at her. A few tears were falling down her face. I wiped them with my thumb and said,

"Don't cry. I'm here now."

"Jon.. I love you."

"I love you too Bee!" I said as I picked her up in my arms.

I squeezed her until she asked me to stop. I gently sat her back in the ground ad she grabbed both of my hands and put them to her stomach.

"Jon, I'm pregnant."

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