Chapter Two

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I clicked on biography Over him and read up about him. He was 28 and a professional wrestler. No wonder I'd never heard of him. I wasn't really into that stuff I was more of a street fighter. Growing up in Mexico you had to be tough. My father got shot when I was four. I remember like it was yesterday.

Dad and I went outside to stop the ice cream truck. It turned out a guy from a rivalry gang was waiting around the block. He shot my dad square in the head and me in the right arm. From that moment forward was when I realized my dads legacy needed to be carried on by me. By the time I was 13 I was already dealing. But as soon as I turned 15 and my mom caught me doing blow, we moved to America. I haven't done crazy shit since. Unless you count boxing crazy.

I was caught from my gaze when I read,

"Dean Ambrose Suspected New Girlfriend"

I clicked the link and read the article,

"WWE superstar Dean Ambrose was out late last night with a suspected new girlfriend. Sources say they got in his car and things got a bit heated as they drove off."

I scrolled down to see a picture of Dean and this 'girlfriend' of his. She was stratling him as he was setting in the drivers seat, I think. The pictures were horrible you could barley tell it was even him.i scrolled down a bit farther to a picture him and.. ME?!

"Hell no!!" I scream grabbing my phone.

"Miss me?" Dean asked as he answered the phone.

"Listen here! You need to tell these idiots were NOT together!!" I yelled.

"Woah woah, calm down, what the hell are you talking about?"

"People think were together!!"

He chuckled.

"Don't fucking laugh! I barley know your name! Hell you don't even know mine-"


"How'd you find out my name?!"


"You went threw my purse!! How dare yo- shit! I need my purse! It has my key card to get into work! As much as I don't want to do this, meet me at the Starbucks on 8th street."

"What makes you think I'll meet you?"

"Ha, funny! I'll be there In fifteen minutes."

I quickly but my baggy sweats, a T-Shirt, and my Sperrys on as I walked out the door.

As I tried to start my car it idled.

"Fuck!" I yelled hitting the steering wheel.

I huffed as I flagged down a taxi.

25 minutes later I made it to Starbucks.

I walked in and I saw Dean setting in a booth with a hat on.

"Purse. Now." I said holding my hand out.

"What happen to 15 minutes?" He laughed.

"Purse now."

"Now come on baby," he stood up, "take a seat. Relax.." He whispered in my ear.

I huff as I pushed pass him to set down.

"Don't be angry, you're the one who told me to come here." He said smirking.

"Can I please have my purse?" I asked angrily.

"What's your deal?"

"What do you mean?"

"You really don't like me do you?"

"I don't know you!"

"Exactly, you don't know me, let me prove to you I'm a good guy."

"Please, just give me my purse."

"Let me at least buy you a drink."

"Fine. I want a hot chocolate with extra chocolate and peppermint."

"It's like 90 degrees outside.." He chuckled.

I glared at him.

I put his hands up surrendering, "sorry! Hot chocolate it is."

As he went to order our stuff I pulled my phone out.

I read the text.

'Yo, what the hell? Where you at?! Boss is chewing my ass!! -Mia'

'Running late!:3 don't worry, just tell him I had a emergency or some shit.'

'Whatever. -Mia'

Dean set the cup down in front of me.

"Thanks.." I mumble.

"What? She's actually saying something nice!?"

I rolled my eyes, "as much as I would LOVE to stay I have to get going."

"For what?"

"Work. Can I have my purse?"

He handed it to me as I got up.

"You're welcome!" He called after me.

I waved my hand behind me as if saying "yeah yeah yeah."

"Wait Bianca!" He said grabbing my arm.


"I see you didn't drive, catching a cab at this time is nearly impossible. Can I give you a ride?"

"Well I gu-" I was cut off by my cell phone going nuts.

"What the fuck?!" I say pulling it out of my pocket.

I unlocked it and seen they were all from twitter.

'Dean Ambrose and new girlfriend Bianca go out to Starbucks for there first date.'

"Oh hell no!" I screamed walking back into Starbucks."

"What's wrong?!" Dean asks following me.

I jerk the door open and stet yelling,

"Who the hell posted it?! Huh? Don't be a pussy! Who the fuck did it! Were are NOT together and I'm getting fucking sick of you god damn people saying we are!!"

Everyone looked at me with a blank stare.

"Ma'am, please calm down." The manager says.

"Don't tell me what to do! Someone in here is about to get there ass kicked! I barley know this man and apparently were 'together'!!"

"Ma'am I understand but-"

"Apparently you fucking don't!"

"Bianca quit!" Dean said grabbing my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I said jerking away and slapping him across the face.

I seen the manager run to the back as I went to set outside.

I didn't want to talk to anyone. I. Was. Pissed.

And when I'm pissed people need to stay away.

"Bianca Vasquez?" Someone asked.

"What the hell do you want?!" I asked without looking up.

"You're being arrested for disturbing the peace." The man said grabbing me.

"What?! No!" I said jerking away.

"Ma'am, please don't resist." He said putting the handcuffs on.

I climbed into the car with my hands cuffed and me angrier than ever.

I looked out the window and saw Dean standing right there watching.

'Shit.' I murmured.

A/N: so, how are you guys liking it so far? I hope y'all enjoy it!^.^ please tell all your friends about it!

Don't forget, commenting, voting, and following will encourage me to update sooner!!


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