Chapter 38

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A/N: It's been awhile guys, how have y'all been? The Bell's palsy is getting worse but I am on a road to recovery. Thank you for all the kind words you guys left me. I'm very appreciative.

*Jon's POV*

I sat there speechless. She's pregnant. Was I ready to be a dad? I just got my girl back and now I find out I'm going to be a dad.

I tried as hard as I could to put a smile on my face but I think she noticed as her head hung down.

I removed my hands from her stomach and spoke softly,

"I need some air."

Bee tried to reach for me but I brushed her off as I walked past her. Of course I love Bianca, I love her with all of my heart. But a child means saying home. No more WWE, my dream would be over.

As I got outside I sat down against the wall and lit a cigarette. I had a lot of thinking to do. I didn't want to disappoint anyone. If I left WWE I'd be disappointing my fans but if I don't I disappoint Bianca.

*Bee's POV**

I felt the tears slip out of my eyes as Jon walked out of sight. Maybe he was rethinking our entire relationship. Soon after guess who decided to speak, Jason.

My tears soon turned to rage as I turned around and went off,


He fell to the ground and I felt my hand already bruising on places. He stood up and all I saw was anger as he came after me. I was pinned against a wall by my throat. Suddenly the instincts kicked in. I was a fighter! I brought my knee to his groin and he let me go falling to his knees.

I lifted his head to look at me as I said, "Good, you're on my level now."

I punched him again and again. He say there and took it like the little bitch he was too. Finally I felt satisfied and pushed him to his side spitting on his face.

I turned around to walk out the door until I felt my self hitting the ground again. I managed to flip myself over and start punching again. That's when security guards stepped in. The pried him off of my thinking he was hurting me. After they had a hold on him I jumped and went after him taking the guards down with us. Two others got me off him and carried me outside. As they set me down outside of the door I looked at them angrily.

"Why the fuck!?" I asked.

"He could have killed you!" one of them said.

"I put myself in that position! I hit him first! I can take care of myself."

"Have a nice night ma'am." The other said dragging the mother inside.

I looked around wondering how I would get out of here until I saw him setting there.

I walked over to him and say down beside him. We were both quiet. It wasn't an awkward quiet though. It was comforting just being around him again. I took a chance and laid my head on his shoulder. He didn't budge so I'm thinking he didn't care.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Just, I- I don't know. I thought you were dead Bianca. Then you come back in to my life AND you're pregnant."

I moved onto his lap facing him with my as around his neck. He blew out the smoke in his mouth and brought his cigarette back to his mouth. I took it from in between his teeth and took a long drag setting it between my lips.

He smirked at me, "You shouldn't be smoking with your bad heart."

"Well everyone's got an addiction."

He snaked his arms around my waist ad brought me closer, "You're my addiction."

I smiled and blew the rest of the smoke out then putting the cigarette out.

I got close to him and brushed our lips together, "I missed you, Sunshine," I whispered against his lips.

He brought our lips together fully and I felt the feeling int stomach as I used to, lust. I tried to get closer but it wasn't possible, I could get any closer.

"I got you something." he whispered breaking the kiss.

"What?" I asked.

"Well the day I thought you had died I went and bought it for you, I was going to but it in your casket but I'm glad I can actually give it to you."

He reached for his backpack and dug around. Moment later he told me to closet eyes and I did as he told. He told me to open a few seconds later and he was holding a Paramore shirt, just like the one I had ripped. I felt a smile creep on my face and a tear slip out of my eye as I grabbed it and held it right. He wrapped his arms around me as I cried happily.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"No, thank you." he whispered placing a hand on my stomach and right there I knew Jon was my person.

A/N: Okay, I REALLY liked this chapter! I think it is one of the best ones I've wrote in a while!

I didn't get to edit it so please excuse my errors!

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