Chapter 18

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It's was Monday morning and my head was throbbing. I rolled over and Jon wasn't there. I sighed a bit grabbing my phone. I had a text from.. My mom?

'Allicakes! It's mommy! Give me a call. We've got some stuff to talk about.(:'

I replied,

'How did you get my number?'

'BJ heard about how you were in the hospital and have me a call. He told me that it'd be better if you explained. Why haven't you talked to me?'

'Its a long story mom. Better told in person.'

'Then come and see me!! Is this you? Why does it say Bianca?'

I scrolled down and seen a photo of me and Jon.

'Yes mom, that's my boyfriend. I'll explain wen I come see you.'

'When are you coming? And boyfriend?!? Bring him too!!(:'

'Okay madre, I gotta go. Busy day.'

'I love you babgirl.'

Ignored her last text a I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. The shower was running.

"Jon?" I asked.

He popped his head out, "yess?"

"Can I join?"

He opened the curtain and smiled.

I stripped my clothes and went to get in but Jon brought the curtain back.

"Under one condition.." He said smirking.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"I think you know what I want." He said winking.

"Hmm, I have not a clue what you're talking about.." I said trying not to smile.

Jon reached out and brought his hand to my core. He laughed,

"I think you know exactly what I want," he got close and whispered in my ear, "you want it too."

I slightly moaned.

"See..?" He asked.

As I agreed and went to get in the shower someone knocked on the door.

"Shit." I murmured.

"They can wait." Jon said pulling me into the shower.

As things started getting heated the person kept knocking and knocking and knocking.

"Fuck!" Jon said getting out of the shower.

"Where are you going?" I asked annoyed.

"The door, I can't concentrate while that's going on." He said wrapping a towel around his waist.

"So your girlfriends naked and horny and you'd rather go answer the door?"

"Babe, don't be like that."

As Jon left the bathroom I turned the water off and grabbed my robe.

"Who is it?" I asked walking into the living room.

I look up to see AJ standing at the door. Time to have some fun.

I walked up to Jon and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him close to me, "baby, come back, we aren't done."

I knew it was making Jon hot and frustrated so I leant up and connected our lips for a few seconds.

"Oh AJ! Nice to see you again." I said looking surprised.

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