Chapter 33

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**Jason's POV**

I was setting in the cafiteria with some of my fellow coworkers eating our lunches. Of course I had to tell them bout the whole Ali thing. They clearly knew that I wasn't with Ali before so they were bound to find out sooner or later. So I decided to tell them. Yes, most of them told me it was wrong and I knew that, but I just couldn't tell her the truth now. It would break her heart. She needs her Jon. Or in this case, her Jason.

"Dude, How in the hell are you going to explain the whole Dorit thing??" Nancy asked concerned.

"Crap, I never thought about that.. I'll think of something don't worry.." I said thinking.

"Well you can't tell her that shes hers. Then she will know somethings up, I mean she said she remembers every detail about you guys. I'm pretty sure she would remember a baby! But then again you can't tell her she's yours with another woman because she would have met her before." Nancy explained.

"Maybe I will tell her I told her about Dorit when we first got together and some how she forgot.."

"Well I wish you luck. But I also hipe she finds out. Can you promise me something though?"


"If she finds out, you find that man and you reunite them!"

"I swear if somehow, someday she finds out about it I will hunt him down and let them be together. I will leave her alone for good."

She stood up and eyeballed me. She slowly walked out of the room while shaking her head. I sat there and thought about what I just said. Of course I wanted her to know but if somehow she found out I don't think I would let her believe it. Some reason, I didnt want her to find out. I didn't want her to run back to him. I wanted her tobe MY Ali, not his..

*Jon's POV**

I was setting there in the little area we could watch tv and play card games when I heard my name being called. I looked around confused and saw a gaurd standing over there.

"Yes you! Come on Sunshine!! Ya made bail." he said.

I felt sadened about how he called me sunshine. That's what Bee always called me. But then again I was happy somebody actually bailed me out. I gathered my few belongings and walked into the main office. There Seth stood. He had a smug look on his face as we made eye contact. I thought he would still be pissed off at me but he actually looked like he wasn't. I walked over to him and he didn't speak. He just opened his arms wide nd brought me close to him.

"I'm sorry." I said while we hugged.

"Don't worry brother.. I forgive you." he said back.

I let go of him and smiled, "Good, now get me out of this hell hole!"

He patted my back lightly and we made our way outside to his car. The sun felt so good on my skin. I literally haven't seen the sun in two months. I never knew how much I missed it, and I knew never how much I would miss work. I had fianlly figured it out. I was going to take all of my anger out on my opponents. That's how I will grieve.

*Bianca's POV*

I was setting up in the hospital bed watching some show call Friends. It was hilarious! I don't now how I had never saw it before. Well, I bet I have.. I just don't remember. I kept feeling that same pain in my side as I did eariler but now it was moving to the middle of my stomach. Of course it worried me but I didn't want to say anything because I felt like I was already under enough stuff. I was just in a coma, my heart is bad, and I can't remember shit. I'm pretty sure I can handle a minor tummy pain.

Soon enough Jason walked into the room with a plate of food. He walked over and set it down down in front of me kissing my head softly. Something about him seemed a bit off so I just looked at him. He was kind of acting shady and it worried me.

"Jason, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yes baby, I'm fine. Don't worry about me.. But hey, do you remember Dorit?" He asked.

"Couldn't say I do.. why?"

"Well there is no easy way of saying this, She is my daughter. I was with another woman and she died after we had her."

"Okay? I don't mind. I mean I would love to meet her! I bet she is wonderful!" I said happily.

He smied at me and tld me I better eat before I get sick. I took my medicine and started eating. He had brought me a grilled cheese sandwich and some french fries. I was so hungry that the food barley lasted five minutes.

I was setting there feeling my full stomach. I was happy o have food in my system again. It felt so good. Suddenly I got up and bolted to the bathroom. I had to puke so bad. I dropped to the ground and puked my guts out in the toilet. I started feeling worse and worse as it came out. My stomch was killing me now. Jason and doctor walked into the bathroom and comforted me through it. When I was done they helped me up and took me back to the bed. The doctor checked my vitals to see if everything was okay. He had a weird look on his face and calmly asked Jason to leave the room. He did and the doctor stared at me like he was confused.

"Doctor, what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I just don't see how I overlooked this.." He said setting down.


"I know you might be confused right now and I'm sorry I have to bring you this news.. It must be very rough," He sighed, "Ali, you are pregnant"

I looked at him with complele shock as I spoke, "I'm what?!"


A/N: What the actually fuck! I wrote this chapter an I'm still kind of shocked. :3

So your guys comments are freaking amazing! I really appreicate all of them!! You guys telling me what you like about it makes me inspired to write more so keep it up!!^,^

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So, you guys know the dril..!!

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