Chapter 30

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A/N: Guys! We made it to 30 chapters!!^,^ I honestly did not think this story would last this long. I thought it would flop. But thanks to you guys, we've made it this far!

Don't worry, I don't plan on ending it anytime soon! I just felt like celebrating the Thirtieth chapter!(:


**Jon's POV**

Three weeks, three miserable weeks I've been setting in this hospital. I had to take off work for awhile because I wanted to be here with Bee. She still hasn't moved a muscle. She lies still. I wish she would wake up. It's literally killing me to see her like this. I haven't left this hospital once. Anytime I need something I just ask a nurse. I don't want her to wake up and me not be here.

My phone started ringing. I pulled it out and saw it was Seth. He called everyday to check in on Bee. I really appreciated it.

"Hey." I said with no emotion.

"How's she doing?" He asked.

"Still nothing."

"Dang bro, it's been what.."

"Three weeks."

"Are you okay?"

"No Seth. I'm a mess."

"Well me and Roman are going to come out there later if that's cool."

"Yeah, I could use the company."

"Okay dude, I'll call when we land."

I didn't say anything else, I just hung up. Maybe having them around will help out a bit. I hope.

**Bianca's POV**

This place is weird. There's nothing here. Just me, dad, and Hayden. All we do is set and talk. That's okay though. I missed daddy.

"So I saw what happened with your mother." He said resting a hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know what's wrong with her. I think she's just getting tired of everything." I said holding Hayden.

"Maybe you shouldn't have left her."

"I had no choice. Joseph would have killed me. I had to do it."

"You could have told her.. she worried about you."

I stayed silent for a moment as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Daddy, am I dead?"


*Jon's pov*

After Seth and Roman showed up I decided to take a nap. Nothing too long. But my dreams soon found me awake again. I sat up breathless in a cold sweat.

"Woah, are you okay?" Roman asked.

"I was having a nightmare.. ," I started explaining, "I was back at her house going through her things. They said she was definitely going to make it so I went to get her some stuff. But as I went through it she walked through the door. I asked how se got there and she just put her finger to my lips. She told me everything was going to be okay, and if I really loved her I would let her go. Then she left.."

Seth ad Roman sat beside me not knowing what to say. I was crying as hard as I could.

"Do you think that was a sign?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Seth asked.

"Like maybe she knows she won't make it so she's trying to help me cope?"

"No, she's going to make it Jon! Don't you worry. It's just your mind worrying you."

"I told her though. The first day, I told her if she was in pain to let go, and that she didn't have to hold on."

They were speechless yet again. I don't think they expected me to say that. The doctor walked in making our little awkward moment go away.

"Jon, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Well, I've been better." I said dryly.

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry." he said hanging his head down.

"Is there something you need?"

"Yes actually, we have Ali scheduled for some more test today."

"Bianca, her name's Bianca. Please don't hurt her." I said walking to the door.

We waited in the lobby for about an hour until the doctor came running out screaming.

"I'm going to need some help in here!!"

I ran to the door as did many other doctors and nurses. I heard her heart monitor slowly beeping.


I looked at her and saw her body shaking uncontrollably a woman tired to get me out if the room but I was fighting back. I needed to get to her. Then suddenly, the worst thing that could happen, happened.






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