Chapter 31

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A/N: okay so I don't get as many comments on the last chapter as I hoped but I thought I'd go ahead and update.

This chapter will be a tad bit different. It will have a nurses point of view! That's right, new character!^,^

Enjoy my lovely readers!


**Jason's(The Nurses) POV)

I atched as the man that was with our patient fall to the ground. Tears flood from his eyes. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. I knew exactly hoe he felt. After all I am a widower. I lost my dearest wife to lung cancer. It was kind of like this. The only difference, I had to help get rid of her body. At least this guy can grieve without seeing her go.

I walked over to the man setting on the ground.

"Sir, are you okay?" I asked bending down to his leve;.

"She's g-gone isn't she?!" He said loudly as the tears fell.

I hated being the one who told him but he needed to know. It broke my heart as I put my hand on his should and said,

"I am so sorry.."

I knew he knew what I meant by that. He just kept crying as I sat with him trying to comfort him. After a few mintues he stood up and hurried out the door. I looked back at the room she was in and let a little tear slip out of my eye.

**Jon's POV**

I ran put of the hospital and started screaming as loud as I could. I knew people were staring but after what I just went through I didn't care. I honestly just wanted to hurt someone, anyone. I started hitting myself in the head telling myself to wake up but it wouldn't work. I fell in the middle of the street and broke down again. What was I supposed to do? The only girl I had ever loved is gone, and I can't get her back.

Seth ran out into the street and pulled me to my feet dragging me to his car. I was in his back seat crying my eyes out. I had no idea where we were going but I did'nt care. I just wanted to cry. As I felt the car come to a stop Seth then got out of the car and helped me out. I looked up and noticed we were at a hotel. I'm guessing it was Seths. We got many weird looks from people in the lobby bt we ignored them as we went to the room. Seth laid me down on the bed and just stood there. I coud tell he was tore up too. Even thought Seth and Bianca did'nt hang out that much they were closer than everyone thought. If it wasn't for Seth Bianca probably wouldn't have saw me ever again.

"Do you want something? Anything? I'll get it." He said emotionless.

"I just want to be alone Seth." I said between sobs.

He didn't say another word, he just silently walked out of the door leaving me in my crying sorrow. I stood up and walked over to the firidge. I opened it and many bottles of booze was inside. I picked up the bottle of Jack that was right in the front. I twisted the cap and held it in the air saying,


I gulped the whole bottle down then worked on the bottle of Grey Goose. It was going to be one hell of a night.

**Jason's POV**

I ran into the womans room, Doctors swarmed her trying to revive her. I looked at her clip board and saw her name was Ali. I let out a soft sigh as I thought about my past..


"Alison! Hurry! We are going to be late." I called to my wife as I strapped my daughter in her car seat.

Finally she came out, of course slowly but I couldnt really blame her. She had lung cancer so it's hard for her to breathe let alone walk down those steps. I gave her a quick kiss and said.

"Ali, you look beautiful."

"Thank you Jason, now let's go." she said breatheless.

I knew my wife was very sick ad I could tell it was getting worse. Little did I know that that day at her birthdat party she would die. I tried as hard as I could to keep her alive after she fell. But she knew it was time. I couldn't bare to let her go. But she looked up at me and brushed my cheek softly as she said.

"It's my time baby. I have to let go. I love you. Take care of our little Dorit."

I pleaded to her but she closed her eyes and hushed me. I knew she was gone. It almost killed me but I had to let her go, Atleast now she wasn't in any pain..

**end of flashback**

Tears streamed down my face as I saw this young lady laying there lifeless. It made me feel like I was losing someone all over again but I had no idea why. I looked at her sheet again and saw she was only 21. It's a shame..

*Jon's POV*

I have no idea how but I ened up at the bar drunk off my ass. Seth and Roman hurried in the door and dragged me out. I could tell they were pssed but I had a reasoon for this. They pushed me into a car and took off down the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked slurring my words.

"Back to Nevada.." Roman said quietly.

"Why?" I asked confused, "We forgot Bian-"

It hit me, she was actually gone. I felt the tears again but wouldn't let thm fall from my eyes. I was going to be strong, for Bee. I had to be..


*Jason's POV*

I sat in the room. She looked very peaceful. I have absolutely no idae how we did it but we did. We revived Ali. As of now she was in a coma. She could come out of it anytime. That means it could be two days, or two years. But I planned on being right here when she did wake up. I tried to contact the man that was here with her but he didn't leave a name. All I had know was his first name was Jon and he had been a wrestler. I then decided to tr and contact the company he worked for. They said he wasn't at work for awhile because he's in jail. I don't know why but i must have been something bad. He got three year. I then thought about telling the company he had worked for so they could somehow get the message to him btu I couldn't do it. Part of me didn't want him to know she was okay. I grew close to her, eeven though shes not completley with us I felt like I really knew her.

I was reading a book when it happened. Her hand moved. Then I heard the gasp. She sat up and looked at me. I was shooked, If I knew it was going to be today I would have dressed better. She pulled the tube out her her throat and said,

"Where am I?"

Technically I didn't have to get a doctor because I was her nurse. I moved closer to her trying not to alarm her.

"Ali, you are in the hospital. You had an accident and was gone for awhile but you are fine now."

She seemed so scared. I went out on a limb and hugged her. I don't understand why but she hugged me back instantly. It filled me with happiness.

*Bianca's POV*

As I hugged him it all came back to me. I was with my boyfriend and I was having a seizure. I held on to him tight. I felt safe in his arms.

""Jon.." I started to say until he cut me off.

"No, I'm not Jon.."

"But I remember." I said confused.

He pulled me close again and said, "Don't worry Ali, sometimes people get confused after the coma. It's Jason."

I smiled as I said, "I knew it stared wit a J!"

A/N: Well, that took a turn!o.o

Why do you thin Jon is in jail? Or why is Jason pretending he was Jon? Lots to figure out!!

Any predictions?? I want some comments on this one! I want to hear what you guys have to say!!(:

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