Chapter 14

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I felt all of the blood flood from my face.


«Jon's POV»

"Bianca..?!" I yelled.

I seen her body go limp and she fell as far as the seat belt would take her.

"Oh my god! SOMEBODY HELP!" I screamed.

A flight attendant came over.

"What happened?!" She asked frantically.

"I think she passed out." I said.

"Does she have any medical conditions?"

"Please buckle your seat belts we are landing." Another woman said over the intercom.

"I honestly don't know."

"Okay let's just get her back into a seat and then well get her right out of here."

We pulled her back into the seat. As we landed the flight attendant let me carry her out before she let everyone else out.

Lucky my driver was already there to pick us up.

"Hospital! Step on it!"

Within no time we were at the hospital.

As they took Bianca to a room I stayed in the waiting room.

I went ahead and gave Roman and Seth a call to tell them. I tried to convince them to stay at the hotel but before I knew it they were bursting through the door.

"What happened?" Seth asked seeming a bit scared.

"She was having a nightmare on the plane and wen I woke her up I asked her about it and she just fucking passed out!"

Seth and Roman looked at each others and then back at me.

"Was she talking in her sleep?" Roman asked.

"Yeah she was talking to her 'uncle' Joseph. She said that she still loved him but she loved me."

Seth furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't think Joseph's an uncle."

"That's what I asked, then she passed out."

A doctor came out and asked, "are you Dean?"

"Yes, call me Jon." I said shaking his hand.

"Well Jon, were you aware that She had a bad heart and was on medication?"

"Um no, she never mentioned it."

"Well she is, let's go have a seat."

We walked over to two chairs and the doctor went on,

"She has a very bad heart. She should have had surgery, I don't understand why she didn't. But anyways, she's on medication and she hasn't been taking it."

"Why wouldn't she tell me..?"

"Brace yourself, on the plane she had a minor heart attack, and according to her record, this isn't the first. Were going to see what we can do without going into too deep but we might have to rush into open heart surgery."

I felt the tears forming.

"Can I see her?"

"Yes, just for a few minutes though. We have a lot of work to do. She isn't awake now, we gave her some medicine and she won't be waking up for a while."

"Okay, that's fine."

I walked into her room and my heart broke. I wanted to help but I knew there was nothing I could do.

I waked beside her and got down on my knees.

I grabbed her hand and started crying as I said,

"Bee, why didn't you tell me? I could care less about this Joseph guy. I just want to know why you didn't tell me about your condition.. I love you so much Bee. Don't you worry baby, were going to get you through this! I promise. The doctors are going to help you and then im going to take you home ad I'm going to make sure you take that medicine! Even if I have to shove it down your throat myself,"

I kissed her palm, "I love you Bee."

Suddenly she started moving. But not in a good way.

"Doc!!" I yelled.

The doctor and a few nurses walked in.

"Back up! She's having a seizure!" The doctor said.

"Help her!!" I said.

"I can't. You have to let them do their thing!"

A few seconds later she stopped. Then the heart monitor stopped beating.

The doctor and the nurses ran to her. I stood there in a trace. I couldn't move.

"Son, you're going to have to get out of here!" The doctor said.

I stumbled a bit and a nurse help me out. As I looked back to see Bee I saw the doctor attempting to bring her back.

"Come on!!" He yelled trying again.

The nurse set me down and said, "sir, are you okay."

I shook my head and she walked away.

Seth ad Roman came towards me, "what happened?" Seth asked.

I sat there not speaking.

"Dude?!" Roman asked.

I still just sat there.

"Jon!" They both yelled.

"She's.. She's.." I tried to talk.

"Jon," the doctor said, "we have to go into emergency heart surgery. I need to know something."

"What?" I asked.

"If I can only save one of them, which one?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I might not be able to save both of them. Her,or the baby?"

I looked at him confused then it dawned on me, we never used a condom.







I think this chapter deserves some feedback!!


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