Chapter 35

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A/N: camping sucks but hey, if I gotta be here ima make the most of it and write as much as I can!:p

**Bianca's POV**

I finally got released from the hospital. Jason helped me gather my stuff and get all of my medicine I was now prescribed with. Yes, I was nervous. I dot remember where I lived, don't remember where all of my stuff is but Jason tells me I moved in with him a few days edits the accident. Apparently all of my things are already at his house ready for my arrival.

As we got into the car and drove I turned the radio on. I would know this song anywhere. Jason and had danced to it on one of our first dates. The Only Exception by Paramore. He sung it to me as we dance on the lake. I will never forget that day.

I turned the radio up and looked at Jason. He then looked at me confused.

"You don't remember?" I asked.

"Umm.." he shuffled in his seat.

"You know, our first date. we danced to this song on the lake? You sung it to me?" I said hopping to refresh his memory.

Finally he caught on smiling, "Oh yeah! Duh! How could I forget that."

His voiced cracked a bit as he said it and looked out the window. Jason was a lot more paranoid than I remember..

We reached this big beautiful home. I was amazed by it. I looked over at Jason who was putting the car in park. He had a look of pure disgust on his face. I was worried but maybe I shouldn't be.. it was probably just me.

I climbed out if the little car and waited for Jason. I looked back at him in the car and I saw tears pouring down his face.

I climbed back into the car and asked him,

"What's wrong?"

He don't answer he jut let the tears keep falling. It was painful to see him cry like he was of course he is the love of my life and I hate too see him cry. Finally the tears started letting up and he looked up at me.

"I'm sorry." he said quietly.

"It's fine but can you tell me what's wrong?" I asked soothingly.

"For Christ sake Ali, I don't want to talk about it!" he screamed.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going to go for a little drive. I'll be back later." he said apparently not wanting me to go.

I climbed back out if the car and watched as he sped off in the opposite direction. I did not want to go in that house alone so I started walking down the street.

Jason for some reason was just confusing as hell lately. I never remember him acting this way before. I mean yes I'm pregnant and I might be acting different but what's his excuse? Thinking about the pregnancy I looked down at my stomach, yes I had gained a few pounds but the the naked eye it just looked like I was getting bigger. I didn't really look fat just bigger. I get my stomach. I couldn't actually feel anything but the little bump but that was okay, sooner or later it'll be kicking. As I kept walking I saw a little gas station and decided to go inside.

There was a man standing towards the back that looked very familiar. He was looking at different protein shakes and I decided to get closer to get a better look. Maybe I actually knew this guy. I walked towards him and acted like I was looking to but in reality I was looking at him. I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I definitely knew this guy from somewhere.

He looked at me then his eyes got really big.







A/N: Omg! who do y'all think it is??:)

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