Chapter 36

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I looked at the man confused. He looked as if he was so glad to see me. Maybe I didn't know him from anywhere..

"No, I'm sorry.. it's Ali." I said apologetically.

"Yeah, of course. I'm sorry, you guys just look a lot alike," he said shaking his head, "I'm Wade by the way. If that matters."

I laughed and shook his hand not wanting to be rude.

"Well Wade, you actually look very familiar to me. Are you sure you don't know me?"

"Well darlin, I probably look familiar because I'm on tv. A professional wrestler."

"Oh, no. I don't really watch that stuff. I mean I've always thought about being a boxer but I don't think that's going to happen soon." I say touching my stomach.

"Oh, you're pregnant! Congratulations!! How far along are ya?"

"A little over two months."

"Well that's amazing. But I have to go love, wrestling awaits. Maybe you could come and watch sometime?"

"Yes of course!"

"Maybe even live? I got a few extra tickets? You can bring some friends along."

"Spud great!"

He pulled out three exclusive tickets to tonight's taping of Smackdown. I figured I'd take Jason ad maybe his daughter if she's be into it.

Wade and I bid our farewells and I decided to walked back to the house Jason dropped me off at. Now I just have to talk him into coming to the show.

**Jon's POV**

I was at the gym getting pumped up for tonight's show. Wade and I were rematching and I wanted to make sure I kicked his ass, again. I started lifting weights when I saw Wade enter the gym. Of course we weren't the best of friends but everyone was being a bit nicer to me after they heard about the Bianca thing.

"Dude!" Wade said walking towards me out of breath.

"What's wrong?" I asked setting the weights down and taking my headphones off.

"I hope this doesn't upset you in a way it shouldn't but I saw a girl at the gas station that looked exactly like Bianca. Of course it wasn't her, she went by a different name and she was pregnant."

Instantly I thought he was crazy, "Man I was there when she died. She's gone. I understand you don't want to believe she's gone but she is."

"But I swear! If she wouldn't have told me her name I would have thought it was her."

Then it struck my mind, Bee's real name was Ali.

"What was this girls name?" I asked.

"Umm, something along line of Amber.. I think."


"Yes! That was it! Do you know her?"

"I mean Bee's real name was Ali but I was there when she died. I don't want to believe either but she's gone. Whether we except it or not, she's not coming back." I said walking away needing to be alone.

**Wade's POV**

I watched as Jon walked away obviously hurt. I didn't mean for it to be this way I just don't believe that wasn't her. Tonight he will see. maybe a miracle happened. Maybe just maybe it really was her..








A\N: This chapter was super short! I just hated leaving you guys in a cliffhanger. The next chapter will be long!! And supper juicy!! I can't wait until you guys read it!!(:


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