Chapter Three

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I was in jail for a good fifteen minutes until a guard came by and said,

"Vasquez, ya made bail. Let's go!"

"Who the hell bailed me out?" I asked.

We walked into the main office and no one was there.


"They left." The receptionist said.

"Can you tell me who it was?"

"Nope. They said not too."

"Well thanks for nothing!" I said walking outside.

I tried to get a taxi but it was nearly impossible in this part of town this late, so I started walking down the road.

I started thinking about the day and it dawned on me, I never showed up to work.


I decided I'd go in anyways. Sure it was late, 10:45, but BJ keeps it open late on the weekends.


I finally got there and as I walked into the gym BJ said, "wessup jailbird! Little late for work aren't we?"

"Shut the fuck up BJ- wait, how'd you know I was in jail?"

"Fuuckk, EVERYONE knows! It's all over the internet! Yo why didn't you tell me you were dating Dean Ambrose?"

I felt my cheeks get red with anger.

"I'm not!" I said calmly.

"Woah now! Calm down killer!" He said pushing me.

I slapped him hard across the chest.

"Heyy! Quit or I'll have to all mom!" He said sticking his tongue out.

"Go ahead you cry baby! You always ran to mom when I kicked your ass!" I said laughing walking towards the benches.

"Woah, BJ's got a sister?" Some guy said walking towards him.

"No just the devil that moved in 21 years ago." He said laughing.

"Ha, funny one BJ, why don't you tell him how I have a bitch for a brother!" I said smirking.

"Ohh burn BJ!" The guy said laughing.

"Shut up! Okay down to business, Bianca, this is-"

"Seth, I'm new here, you're my trainer. I have two other guys that might be interested if the place is good." The man said cutting BJ off.

"Well were a hella good place! So call em up!" I said laughing.

"Well they're busy tonight, it's just me."

"Okay, let's get started!"

*45 minutes later*

"Okay, I think I'm done. You're a tough sombitch!" Seth said plopping on the floor.

"Hah, that's all you got?" I asked setting beside him.

He laughed quietly.

"So what do you do for a living?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I'm a... entertainer I guess you could say."


"Hah, no!" He said cracking up.

"What?! You seemed a bit sketchy about telling me so that's want I thought!"

He rolled over on his side laughing so hard.

Soon enough we were both cracking up.

We both quit when a woman walking through the door.

"Hey babe, ready?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, sorry I was just talking to Bianca." Seth said standing up grabbing his stuff.

"Hello." I waved slightly.

"Hi there, I'm Seth's girlfriend."

"I'm his trainer."

"Oh, he said he was going to bring the boys down here! Good luck with all that!" She said laughing.

"We aren't that bad!!" Seth said walking to her.

"Ha, okay, well it was nice meeting you. We better get going."

"Mkay, bye guys!" I said standing up.

After they left I said a bit longer to work out and clean up a bit. Then I went to grab my phone.

"Shit!!" I screamed.

"What?" BJ asked from another room.

"That Dean guy has my purse and I stuck my phone in there before I went to jail!"

BJ didn't answer me after that.

"well, I guess ima head out, love you bitch!" I yelled.

"Love you too whore!"

I walked outside and made my way home.


It was 4am when the sound of my home phone woke me up.

I snatched the phone off the hook,

"What the fuck!?! This better be good!" I yelled.

"Woah easy now.. I just called to say you forgot your purse, again." Dean said on the other end.

"Wow really..So you just had to call me at four in the fucking morning!?"

"Sorry.. I couldn't sleep."

"Dean, I'm not your girlfriend and I'm sure as hell not your god damn friend! So don't think you can just call me up when ever you can't sleep. I don't have anything to say to you expect, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! We will meet up tomorrow, for the LAST time so I can get my purse. Got it? Did it make it clear enough?!"

"Crystal. Gas station on 11th street, noon. Bye." He replied with sadness in his voice.

I signed as I hung up the phone. Was I too rough..?


That night I didn't sleep so I wasn't looking forward to work. Plus Bj's making me work today due to yesterday.

It was 11:30 and I was just unlocking the doors when Seth showed up.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Not a damn thing. Where's them other guys you were bringing?" I asked

"Oh yeah, getting their bags. So listen, one of them just went through some tough stuff so if he acts like an arrogant asshole just know he's actually a good guy."

"Mm, okay. I'm going to go change. When they get in here just start stretching."

"Kay!" he said as I walked to the locker room.

I put on my turquoise sports bra with my grey sweats. I threw my hair up into a loose ponytail and splashed water on my face.

"Let's do this!" I say to myself before walking out.

"There she is!" Seth screamed.

A tall man with long black hair turned to me,

"Hello ma'am, I'm Roman. Seth tells us your the best."

"Ha, okay." I said laughing.

The other man turned around and my jaw dropped.

"Bianca?" He asked.

"Dean.." I said slowly.

A/N: I want to thank everyone who is reading my book! Without you guys this wouldn't be possible! Love y'all!!:)

Don't forget, commenting, voting, and following motivates me to update faster!!(;


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