Chapter 42 It breaks my heart to say goodbye:(

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A/N: Sadly I have decided this will be the last chapter. I just don't want to drag it out any further than it should be. Plus, I have new ideas for new books. But! I will post a epilogue! So don't worry!!(:


*one and a half years later.*

I sat down in the chair and took a deep breath. Today was the day. It had been a little under two years since Jon and I first met at the bar. Who would have thought that in two years your entire life would be changed. I fell in love. I died, twice. I had a baby. And now, now I'm getting married.

I heard a knock on my door and walked to it. "Who is it?" I asked.

"Seth." He said through the door.

I opened it and allowed him in. He looked over me and smiled. "Your hair looks lovely that color."

"It's my natural, jet black." I laughed.

"Jon's going to love it. Oh by the way, is there anything you need? He's going crazy downstairs."

"Uhm, actually yes. Zeke. Mia took off with him and I'm not sure I trust we with my child," I chuckled, "Will you bring him to me?"

"Seth's got everything under control." He said walking out of the door.

I sat back in my chair and allowed the makeup artist to start my makeup. She was a younger girl, I actually met her when she did Jon and I's matching tattoo.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jon asked.

I unbuckled Zeke from his car seat and wrapped him in my arms, "Of course I want to do this. Obviously if I'm marrying you I love you enough to et matching tattoos."

"I just don't want you to regret it.."

"I love you Jonathan. And I plan on being with you forever, even if you don't want to, you already asked for my hand. No take backs. Were doing this!"

He chuckled as oped the door to the tattoo shop for me. I walked in with little Zeke on my hip and Jon right behind me. A woman greeted us as we walked to the counter.

"How can I help you today?" She asked.

"We want tattoos." I said happily.

"Tattoo." Zeke said quickly.

"Oh no Boom, no tattoos for you." Jon laughed.

"Well what kind of tattoos?" She questioned grabbing a sketch pad.

"Uhm, we want to get our wedding date tattooed on our ring fingers, if you can." Jon said nervously.

She chuckled a bit, "First tattoo?"

"Is it that obvious?"

"Tad bit, so what's the date? I'll draw up a sketch and we can get to work."

"April 1st, 2015."

"Is that a joke?"

"Nope. He picked it, thought it would be funny.." I trailed off.

"Well it's defiantly original." She laughed as se began the sketch."

*end of flashback.*

And here we are, a month later, on April fools day, getting married. Melissa, the tattoo artist also did makeup so I gladly asked her to do it at my wedding. Turns out she knows a girl that could do my hair too. So everything worked out perfectly.

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