Chapter 21

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A\N: first of all I would like to apologize, I said I would update yesterday but my mother came home last night. I'm grounded from our wifi so I have no way to get onto the computer. She's not going to be here tonight so that's why I'm updating now. So everyone please bare with me. I am not putting this book on hold as I'm concerned it's my main priority right now and I'm not planning on dropping it anytime soon!(:

Thank you, now onto the chapter,


I sat with a couple other divas as I watched Jon in the ring. He was so sexy out there. It's was nothing like he really was. Jon was the sweetest guy I'd ever met and this Dean fella was crazy! Don't get me wrong, I love it! But I'm with Jon, not Dean.

As I was watching I saw Natalya walk in. She looked at me and came over to me.

"Hey, Perra?" She asked.

"hey, you can call me Bianca."

"You have a real talent! I've been here for over a decade and I've never seen a newbie come in and so something like that. You have a very bright future here."

"awe, thank you Natalya!"

"Oh please, call me Nattie."

"Well thank you Nattie."

She sat down beside me as we watched the rest of RAW.

"They kinda scare me.." She said gesturing to the tv.

"The Shield?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah!! Especially the Dean guy."

I laughed as they came off stage.

"Yenno, I hear he's great in bed." I leant in and whispered to Nattie.

"Nu-uh! Who said that?!"

Just as she asked Jon came over to us. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him.

Nattie laughed, "ahh, I gotcha!"

She walked away and Jon asked, "what was that about?"

"Oh nothing baby!" I said kissing him.

"Dean!" Hunter said from behind us.

Dean sighed, "what?!"

"AJ had a match tonight."


"Remember you guys have a storyline."

"Shit.. I'll be right there."

"What was that about?" I asked.

"AJ and I have a storyline and we have to pretend to be together."

"Oh, I feel bad for you."

"Then do something about it."

"Whatta ya mean?"

He whispered In my ear, "when I go out there with AJ, right when she goes to kiss me tell them to play your music then come out and start some drama."

I smiled, "you want me too?"


"DEAN, AJ, y'all are next!" A tech yelled.

"baby, don't forget!" He said kissing me goodbye.

I watched as he and AJ made their way into the ring.

"Yo! Cue my music!" I yelled.

Right as AJ went to kiss Dean I skipped out there to my music.

I ain't no G, I'm just a regular failure

I ain't straight outta Compton I'm straight out the trailer

Cuss like a sailor...drink like a Mick

My only words of wisdom are just, Radio Edit

I'm flicking my Bic up and down that coast and

Keep on trucking until it falls in the ocean

"Hey AJ! Dean." I said crawling into the ring.

"What do you want!?" AJ spat.

Dean stepped back.

I chuckled and said, "him." Pointing at Dean.

"Well were happy, leave us alone!"

"Really? Weren't you and Dolph too? And Daniel. And John. And punk. Yenno, I can go at this all night."

She glared at me.

"Deany," I said getting close to him, "why don't you come find out what it's like to be with a real woman?"

AJ got pissed and went to hit me but I ducked ad she fell out of the ring.

"DEAN!! Come on!" She yelled.

He smirked at her and grabbed me by the waist pulling my lips to his as the crowd went crazy.

"Bye AJ." Dean said as we broke the kiss.








A\N: it short.. I know. But tonight I'm going to write. I swear! This outta get y'all through til tonight!

An thank y'all so much! I got 1.2k views!! And y'all are giving me feedback!! Keep it coming!!(:

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