Chapter 24

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•Bianca's POV•

I ears the crack of thunder and woke up with a gasp. I was already shaking and sweat was pouring off of me. My breathing was heavy as I brought my knees to my chest and started counting.







Another bright flash came by followed by the loud crack. My body tensed up and tears started streaming down my face.

I have always been scared to death of thunderstorms. My father use to hold me and comfort me when we have storms but when he died I had no one. I had to go through it all by myself and I hated it. It brought back memories of when we were homeless in Mexico. We didn't have a shelter and lightning struck a tree near the park BJ and I slept at.

Suddenly I remembered my medicine. Normally when thunderstorms came my anxiety got worse so they put me on anxiety meds. I crawl over to my bag and stray throwing stuff out of it searching for the medication.


I screamed and bolted to the bathroom. As I slid down the door crying I heard Jon shuffle out of the bed.

"Bee?" He asked.

I couldn't speak. I was tongue tied and felt light headed. I need those meds.

"Bianca!" Jon said as he knocked on the door.

I opened the door slightly and pointed to my bag motioning him to get it.

After a second he got what I was trying to say and got it.

He brought it to me and I searched.


I fell back covering my ears.

Jon looked at me concerned. I closed my eyes tight as the tears streamed down. Jon came beside me ad held me in his arms.

My body went a bit relaxed again as I snuggled into him, knowing I was safe.

"Please don't leave me.." I whispered in a soft tone.

Jon kissed the top of my head, "I'm not going anywhere."

We sat there in the middle of the bathroom floor as the storm passed.

Jon didn't ask questions, just comforted me. Honestly, that's all I could ever ask for.

Jon carried me back to the bed and covered me up. He went to go out the door but I set up and grabbed him.

"where are you going?"

"The kitchen. I figured you could use some water."

I let the grip up I had on his arm, "thank you baby, can you bring me my bag too?"

"Of course." he said walking out of the room.

I lent up against the headboard as I waited for Jon.

A few short minutes later he returned with a glass of water, then walking to the bathroom to grab my bag.

He set it in front of me as he climb beside me.

"What happened?" He asked laying his head on my shoulder.

I took a deep breath, "I'm scared to death of storms, I always have been. When I was younger my father use to set with me and comfort me through them. But when he died I had no one. I was stuck and had no one. So I started have anxiety attacks when storms happen. I tried to get to my bag to take my medicine but I couldn't find it.. I didn't know what to do."

He hugged me close, "don't you worry, I'm always going to be here for you no matter what. I don't care when it is or what I'm doing, you tell me and I'll be right there by your side. I love you Bianca and whatever problems you have I'll help you through them."

"Thank you." I say letting a tear slip out of my eye.

Jon wiped it and kissed me softly.

As we pulled away I went through my bag searching for the medication. I dug and dug and dug, still not finding it. I was filled with annoyance as I couldn't find it. Suddenly I remembered, I but it in my purse.

I reached beside the bed pulling my purse on the bed. I was overjoyed when I found it but then felt horrible when I found it empty.

"Shit." I mumbled.

"What?" Jon asked.

"It's empty. I need to go to the doctor."

"We can go tomorrow if you want."

"I mean my doctor.."

"Don't worry babe, we can fly to Nevada tomorrow and go to your doctor back home."

"No babe. My doctor back home."

"Home. Nevada."

"No, home as in California."

All the blood for Jon face rushed away as he turned white.

"Mm, okay. We can do that." he said not making eye contact.

I kissed his cheek and laid down pulling him down with me.

"I love you" I whispered against Jon's chest.

"I love you too princess." He mumbled back in his raspy voice.

I sat there for a moment then heard Jon snore softly.

I grabbed my cell phone off the bedside table and unlocked it.

'We'll be there tomorrow, don't make plans.'

I took a deep breath and hit send to my mother.

This ought to be fun.

A/N: soo, um, there going to Calli. :3


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