Chapter 19

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«Jon's POV»

I walked with Hunter back to his office. I was a bit nervous, why did he want to talk to me? maybe he knew who Bianca was and didn't want me bring a boxer in here.

We sat opposite from each other and I asked,

"What can I do for ya man?"

"Is that your girl out there?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What's her name?"


"She's a boxer isn't she?"

"She used to be, I think she's training back up though."

"I saw what she did out there. Dean, did you let her win?"

"No! She's tough!"

"You think she'd be interested in becoming a Diva?"

"Oh wow, I don't know. Maybe?"

"Because she's got a talent! We'd love to have her here! and I can really see her going big in this business."

"I'll talk to her."

"After you're done, even if she says no, you guys come back in for another meeting. "

"If you insist.." I say getting up.

«Bianca's POV»

I didn't find Seth but I did find the Shields locker room so I just hung out there. Until Jon came through the door.

"Hey baby." He said kissing my cheek.

"Hey cutie." I winked.

"So babe," he said walking to his suitcase, "when are you going to start boxing again?"

"I honestly don't know if I'm going to. I'm so far behind. My contract ended a few weeks ago and I never resigned."

"Well how would you like to work here? It was Hunter's idea. He thinks you'll go far in WWE."

"Oh wow. It'd be cool working with my man." I said walking over and wrapping my arms around him from behind.

He turned around ad elf me as he said, "well do you think you can.. With your condition?"

"Of course. I boxed with it. I just have to start taking my medicine again."

"We need to take you to a doctor, get this checked out," he said pointing to my chest, "there's got to e something wrong with it loving a fool like me."

"Well in that case we need to go get this checked out," I say pointing to his head, "for loving a crazy bitch like me."

He laughed and kissed me.

"Hunter said we need to go talk to him."

"Should I be scared?"

"No, he'll probably tell you the basics then send ya to Vince or something."

"I haven't trained in forever.. I'm nervous."

"Don't worry, you got this baby."

"I know." I said cockily walking to the couch.

Jon laughed ad said, "you know I love you."

"Doesn't everyone?" I asked cheekily as Jon sat beside me and I kissed him.






Short little chapter. Sorry, I've been hella busy!!:3 But don't worry! Sunday I will be writing a couple chapters because I won't be able to write as much as usual on Saturday!:/

Omg! WWE wants Bee!!(: won't her and Dean make a perfect power couple??

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