Chapter Six

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«Bianca's POV»

I put the shirt and sweats Dean gave me and made my way to his kitchen.

His pants didn't fit at all so I had to roll them a hundred times and the shirt was almost to my knees.

"Awh, don't you look so cute in my clothes?!" He said laughing.

"Shut up Dean." I said pushing him.

"I find it hilarious that you don't watch wrestling but you still call me Dean!"

"What do you mean?"

"My names Jonathan. Jonathan Good."

"Really?" I asked hopping on his counter.

"Mmhm." He said standing between my legs.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, "well what else would you like to tell me Mr. Good?"

He placed his hands on my hips, "depends, what do you want to know?"

"Everything." I whispered in his ear.

He backed up and grabbed to glasses and a bottle of wine, "then you better cancel your plans for today, it might take a while."

"If were going to spend the whole day together I don't want to just drink wine!" I say walking over grabbing the bottle of Grey Goose.

He smiled and we went to his living room.

Jon laid down laid down a couple of blankets and a few pillows for us to set on.

"Just saying, I'm a cheap drunk. So you'll probably have to drive me home."

I say while he pours the wine.

"Ha. Okay" he says handing me the glass.

"So miss Bianca. How about we play the drinking game. I say something I've never done and if you've done it you take a drink."

"Sound interesting," I say taking a sip, "okay!"

"Okay so I've never, had sushi."

I raise my glass and take a drink.

"Never have I ever, been in a car crash."

Jon took a drink. "Okay now for the fun part, you got the hang of it but this time. You'll say 'I've ____' and you'll say something. If I think your lying I'll take a drink. If you are, you have to take one piece of clothing off."

"And if I tell the truth?"

"I take one piece of clothing off."

"Okay. I'll go first! I've had a one night stand."

Jon didn't take a drink. "You're too classy for that."

"Yep!" I say removing my socks.

"I've never been in jail."

I took a drink, "liar!"

"Nope! Never been! Take some clothes off!"

"Dammit!" I say removing my-Jon's shirt.

"I've never had sex." I say looking at him intensely.


"Awh shit! Take it off!! I'm a virgin!!" I say pointing at him.

"What?!" He asks.


"Wow." He says taking his shirt off.


Soon enough were both only in our undergarments and drunk off our asses.

"Dean- Jon, whatever the hell you want me to call you! I really like you! You're a cool guy!" I say leaning against him.

"Thanks!" He says grabbing my hand interlocking our fingers.

I lay down pulling him with me.

"You know, I've never told anyone half the stuff I've told you."


"Yeah. I just feel like I can't tell you anything and you won't judge me."

"You can because I won't."

"Thank you." I whisper before a fall into a wonderful sleep.

«The Next Morning»

I wake up and try to move but something's holding me in too tight.

"Joseph. Let go!" I mumble.

He doesn't let up so I turn to face him.

Jon looks at me with a confused look, "who's Joseph?"

"Don't worry about it. I had a bad dream was hollering for my uncle joe, that's all." I lied.

"Oh, okay. Do you want some breakfast?"

"I don't want to get up!!"

"Then I'll make it."

"I don't want you to get up either!!" I say snuggling close to him.

He brings his lips to my forehead, "whatever you want baby."

I giggled and laid my head on his chest.

There was a silence between us but not an awkward one, a peaceful one.

We lie there for about thirty minutes until I hear the faint song of soft snores.

I slowly get up and go to the bathroom. 'I guess I'll be wearing his clothes all day.' I say to myself.

I do my business and then walk into the living room. Jon is out like a light, no snuggling a pilliow.

I looked around everywhere for a piece of paper but couldn't find it.. Oh well.

«Jon's{Dean} POV»

I woke up to find Bianca not in bed.

"Bee?" I ask through the house.

No answer.


No answer.

I check the rooms and she's nowhere to be found.

"Fuck!" I yell as I hit the counter.

How didn't I realize she'd do this! I'm such an idiot! She doesn't like me nor did she! She's nothing but a bitch! A cold hearted bitch!

I walked into the kitchen and picked up the home phone.

It ringed and ringed and ringed.

"Hey baby, wanna come over?" I asked.

"I don't know.. I just-"

"Come on! Don't be a sourpuss! Get over here, I miss you."

She sighed, "okay."

"Okay AJ, see ya in a few."


What?! He called AJ?!:o

Guys I just want to say, if anyone is confused on the Dean/Jon thing please let me know! I thought since she's not a diva she will call him by his real name yenno?

Again, thank you to everyone that reads, y'all are awesome.

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