Chapter Ten

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I slowly slid into the hot water.

"Too hot?" Jon asked concerned.

I shook my head no.

Jon handed me a glass of water and some aspirin.

"Take em!" He said sternly.

"Buut I don't wanna!" I said hiccuping.

"Quit being a baby and take them!" He said eyeing me.

"Yes dad!" I said snatching them and swallowing.

He bent down and kissed my head. "Yenno I have plenty of other ways to make you call me daddy, but if you keep this attitude thing up I won't show you"

"I'm so intimidated!"

He chuckled and left the room.

I sunk deep into the water. It felt amazing! I almost fell asleep until Jon bursted in there.

"Hey, your phone was ringing. It's Mia." He said cupping his hand over the phone speaker.

"Bring it here please?" I asked.

"Here, um the guys want me to hang out tonight. Do you mind?" He asked handing me the phone.

"No go ahead, have fun. But hey do you mind if I ask Mia to come over and hang?"

"Tell her to come on over. I don't mind. I'll be back around nine. Bye babe. I made spaghetti if y'all get hungry. "

"Thanks babe." I said kissing him.

"Miaaaaa" I said loudly.


"What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing why?"

"Come over!! I miss you!!"

"Haha okay I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Wait! I'm at.. Deans."

"What?! Are y'all together?!"

"We'll talk just get over here!!"

I have Mia directions and got out of the shower.

I put on one of Jon's big WWE shirts and some of his boxers.

"I'm here bitch!" I heard Mia yell from the living room.

I ran in there and jumped into her arms.

"I missed you Mi!" I said hugging her.

"I missed you too Bee!!" She said squeezing me back.

"Come come, set." I said pulling her to the couch.

"This place is nice!!" She said looking around.

"Yeah, Jon's got quite a bit of money."

"So, are y'all together?!"

"Yes!! Im so happy! I know we haven't known each other that long but I feel like I've known him for years!"

"Have you told him everything?"

"..not yet."

"Are you?"

"Sooner or later, yes."

"Well it'll all work out, Blaze!" She said smiling really big.

"Oh my god! Knows called me that since high school!!"

"Wanna rekindle the memories?" She said reaching in her purse.

"Holy shit! Jay!!" I said grabbing the pipe out of her hand. "I can't believe you still have this!"

"Com'on I got enough! let's get high!!"

"I haven't done it for like four months though.."

"It's okay" she said filling the bowl.

"Fine.." I said grabbing the lighter off the table.

$Two hours later$

I took a big hit out of the pipe, it felt so good. I was already stoned out of my mind but I wanted- needed more.

I exhaled the smoke and started singing along to the music we turned on.

"I hope Jon stays out late with the guys." I say taking another hit.

The door opened and Jon said, "why babe?"

When we finally locked eyes his smile turned into a frown.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" He asked walking towards me.

"That's my cue!" Mia said grabbing the pipe and running.

"I-I.." I stuttered.

Jon sat on the chair farthest away from me and put his was in his hands.

"Why?" He asked.

I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"I've got a lot of shit to explain.." I said trying not to cry.

"I'm waiting.." He said looking up with tears in his eyes.

I stood up and sat beside him as I explained, "when I was young I use to do drugs really bad, it started when I saw my dad get shot. I've never been the same. But when I was high I felt as if everything was okay and no one could touch me.. I was wrong. When Mia came over we started talking about the past and she wanted to relive the memory. I tried saying no but I couldn't. Please forgive me?"

"Promise me something?" Jon asked.

"Anything baby."

"Never do it again. I had a friend that overdosed on coke and he's not around anymore. Without you I couldn't make it." He lay his he's on my chest.

"Don't worry Hun, no more I swear!!" I pecked his lips.

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