Chapter 11

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I woke up with the lingering taste of Jon on my lips. But him nowhere to be found.

I pouted an rolled over, to be met by a piece of paper that read:

'Babe, boss called an emergency meeting. I swear I'll make it up to you. Dinner tonight, dress nice.

Jon xxx'

I smiled at the note and got out of bed. I wonder where he could be taking me. It's Jon, it could be anywhere!!

I looked at the clock and realized I slept in until 3:30. Damn.

I left Jon a note that said,

"Johnny boy, I need to go pick out an outfit. Took the Ferrari! I'll be back later!(:

Bee xxx


Text me when you see this!(;'

I got in the car and took off to my house laughing at what I said.


As I got out my long shower I seen I had a few texts.

'Johnny Boy.. Haha, very funny-.-'

'You better not scratch my baby!!'

'Oh babe, don't forget, dress nice!!(;'

I texted back,

'Yes, Johnny boy!(; haha.

No you're baby's fine.. I am too.

And I already got my dress picked out!!:)'

A few minutes later he sent back.

'Ha. On my way! It's nearly five!'

'Kay, see ya soon.'

I hurried up and put on my tight Black Cocktail dress with my Chuck Taylor's while I let my hair fall naturally. I applied smokey eye makeup and waited for Jon.

He walked through the doors and his jaw dropped.

"What?" I asked embarrassed.

"Just wen I thought you couldn't get more beautiful you do this!" He said snaking his arms around my waist.

"Thank you baby, you look stunning!" I say admiring his blue eyes.

I felt a connection with Jon right there and I couldn't help my self, it just came out.

"I love you.."

"Really?! I love you too!" He said spinning me around.

I kissed his lips passionately as he sat me on the ground.

"Let's get going baby." Jon said pulling me towards the door.

In the car Jon couldn't keep his hands off me. Rubbing my thigh, kissing my hand, stuff like that. It was really turning me on but of course I wouldn't tell him that.

Dinner was nice but Jon still didn't keep his hands off me. I had enough.

"Jon, get the check, I'm ready." I whispered in his ear.

Jon didn't hesitate. He got the check and we made our way to his house.

I slid back on his WWE shirt and boxers.

"Baby, you look hot in my clothes!" Jon said wrapping his arms around me from behind.

"Haha, thanks babe." I said chuckling.

Jon kissed my neck and rubbed my belly.

"Do you want to watch a movie hon?" He asked.

"I thought you didn't like watching movies?"

"I'll do anything as long as I'm with you."

"How sweet, now go get a movie!" I say pecking his lips.

I lay down on the couch while Jon puts the movie in.

"Lay with me!!" I whinnied.

Jon laughed and lays down on the couch with me, snaking his arms around my waist.

30 minutes into the movie Jon's attention was completely on me. Kiss, sucking, and biting my neck while his hand rubbed my thigh.

I pulled us up and straddled Jon's lap until we stood up. He then lightly tapped my ass to tell me to jump. I did as he said and wrapped my legs around his abdomen. Jon carried us to his bedroom and laid me down gently on the bed climbing on top of me. Everything was moving so fast my head was spinning.

"Baby.." I said pushing him off.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked concerned.


"Oh I understand. I won't make you do anything you don't want to do." He said pecking my lips.

"Thank you Jon."

He climbed off of me and we snuggled for about 15 minutes then he was back. He climbed on top of me again kissing me passionately, then moving to my neck.

"J-Jon, I t-thought you wo-wouldn't make m-me do anything I-I don't wa-want?"

I asked trying not to moan.

He looked down at me and said, "sweety, if you didn't want this you'd push me off. Obviously you want this as much as me."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, "I guess I'm just scared.."

Jon pulled my shirt off while saying, "don't worry, I'll be gentle."

I tried to cover myself but Jon laughed saying, "quit, you're gorgeous!" Pulling my arms away.

He kissed his way to my chest then to my naval. I let a soft moan escaped lips and Jon smirked against my skin.

He reached his boxers and pulled them down along with my panties.

"Ready baby?" He asked adjusting himself near my entrance.

I gulped and nodded slowly.

Jon bent down and kissed my nose as he slowly pushed inside me.

I instantly felt the pain as I winced and grabbed the sheets.

"Babe, are you okay!? Do I need to pull out?!" Jon asked scared.

"I'm fine! Keep going!" I said as a tear escaped my eye.

Jon kissed my tears away and pushed himself in further. Soon enough he was completely in and he sat there for a moment.

A few minutes later I said, "okay baby, I'm ready."

"You're sure."

"Jon. Move."

He obeyed and pushed in and out slowly. The pain suddenly turned pleasure and and I gripped Jon's back, dragging my nails down it.

That earned a slight grunt from Jon.

Soon enough my moans turned into screams and Jon's grunts turned into groans.

Then I felt this moment of high and I screamed as loud as I could while Jon groaned loudly falling atop of me.

"If I knew it felt that good we'd done it a long time ago!" I said laughing.

"I love you Bianca." Jon said kissing me.

"I love you too Jon." I said as we pulled away.

I lay there enjoying the silence until I hear soft snores coming from Jon.

"Good night baby." I say snuggling closer drifting to sleep.

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