Chapter 27

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Jon and I pulled into the all familiar driveway of my teenage years. Memories started rushing back to me. Everything from getting arrested to getting caught smoking weed. Let just say I didn't enjoy this place and I thought if never show up here again.

"You sure you want to do this hun?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and said, "as ready as I'll ever be.."

We both get out of the at and walked up the driveway to the front door. I slowly brought my hand up and knocked in the door. I was so nervous, my hands were sweating so bad and I had this giant lump in my throat. Jon grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuring that he was there for me no matter what happens.

Finally the door flung open and there stood my mother. She looked exactly the same. Heavy set with short brown hair, while a cigarette set between her fingers.

"Bout time you came and seen me Ali." She said shaking her head.

"Mom, please, call me Bianca." I asked as we stepped into her home.

The house looked as if no one had cleaned in years. It was disgusting. Finally we found the living room and Jon and I sat on the couch in front of my mother who sat in her recliner.

"No, I gave you the name Ali so that's what I going to call you."

I sighed loudly agreeing that talking back would only make all this worse.

"Who this?" She asked pointing to Jon.

"Mom, this is my boyfriend, Jonathan."

"Hello ma'am, it's nice to meet you." Jon said holding his hand out to shake hers.

She just stared at him and ignored his offer to shake hands. Jon cleared his throat and let his hand fall back down.

"Well Ali, where'd you find this one? The bar again?" She asked.

"Mom, please, stop." I said.

"This is my house! You will not come in here and tell me what the hell to do!" She said trying to stand up.

She was obviously drunk. She was all over the place. Trying not to fall at the mere task of walking.

"Let me help you." I said standing.

"No," she screamed throwing her hand up, "you know how much shit you put me through? I had no clue where you were. I thought oh were dead!! I think you need to leave!! That's what you do best anyway!"

I felt the tears forming in my eyes. Jon walked over and said,

"Maybe we should leave."

"Yes, you should! And don't bother coming back. I don't need you!"

I hung onto Jon as he true to pull me out the door. Y knees went weak. It was official, my mother didn't want me and it was all my fault.

Finally Jon just picked me up and carried me to the car. He slowly sat me in the passenger seat and caressed my face saying,

"Babe, don't worry, you dot need her. You got me."

"Thank you Jon. I love you so much."

"I love you too," he said bringing his lips to mine for a second.

We took off after I calmed down a bit and I told Jon I was ready. Jon suggested we just stay in California for the night since we were already here. So we went and rented a hotel room.

We walked in and I went straight to the bed an flopped down. Soon after Jon crawled beside me and laid with me. I ran my hands through his hair and said,

"Thank you for being here for me, I couldn't have done this by myself."

"No problem baby, I will always be here. No matter what, I promise." He said holding his pinky out.

I wrapped mine around his and smiled at him. He brought his lips to mine and I automatically kissed back. I slowly opened my mouth so our tongues could fight for dominance with each other. Of course him winning. He climbed on top of me and deepened the kiss. I wrapped my legs around his torso clearly wanting more.

"Babe.." I moaned into his mouth.

He started at my shirt, pulling it off along with his own. He threw them aside and went back to my mouth. I pushed him off and started at his belt buckle.

"Someone's eager huh?" He asked.

I pushed his pants down and said, "says the one with the massive boner."

He brought his lips down to mine then replied, "and it's all for you baby!"

I laughed and pulled him closer. Tonight was going to be good. As long as I was with Jon I knew it was going to be amazing.



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