Chapter 32

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**Jason's POV**

I sat there while Ali was getting checked on by the doctors. They had to make sure that everything was okay before she got up and tried to walk. I saw the look of oure happiness on her face and I couldn't help but smile. I know what I am doing is wrong but I couldn't help it. As soon as I saw her I though of my Alison. I thought maybe, just maybe, she could be what I have been looking for after Alison died. I felt as if she was Alison. Of course she remebered seldom things from her pass but she couldn't remeber the details. That's where I came in. I would be her Jon.

After the doctors cleared her I helped her walk to the bathroom. She put most of her weight on me as we walked down the hallway. I know she is in pain but she has to get strong. I felt her almost fall and I tightened my grip on her. After she steadied her self she looked up at me ad said,

"Don't you worry Jason. I will get stronger. I am a Vasquez! We are fighters."

"I know hon." I lied smiling down at her.

*Bianca's POV*

I walked into the bathroom and went as if I had never went before. It felt nice to go to the bathroom. I felt like I was getting back to how things used to be. I stood and flushed the toilet, walking to the sink. I was washing my hands as normal when I looked in the mirrior. I screamed at what I saw.

"What is it? Ali, are you okay?!" Jason asked running into the bathroom.

"My hair!! It's red!!" I yelled.

"Oh, um.. Yeah babe, yoou dyed it a while back. You don't remember?" He asked kind of oddly.

"No, I don't. Why would I do that?" I asked confused.

"I don't know, but don't you worry. It'll grow back."

"Yeah.. I guess." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

I felt a pai on my side so I lefted my shirt to looked at it. I was shocked yet again when I saw a tattoo. 'What the hell' I thought to myself. I was so confused. I could barley remember a thing about my past. It was odd waking up to all these weird things on me. How old was I now? What year was is? I had so many questions awaiting to be answered but I was afraid to ask. The only things I could really remember 100% was my memories with Jon- Jason I mean. I have no idea why I keep calling him Jon..

*Jon's POV*

I sat on my hard bed looking at the ceiling. Jail was shit. But I got myself in here and I know damn sure that nobody's going to get me out. I thought about Bee everyday and it kind of put me in a slump. I didn't want to do anything. Didn't want to talk to anybody. I just wanted to be alone.. and sleep. I saw her in my dreams. Most of the time the dreams were reacurring memories but I didn't mind. It was like meeting her all over again. It made me happy but when I dreamt about that day I would wake up in a cold sweat. It was as if I was reliving her death over and over again. I hated those dreams. They were killing me.

I still could not belive what I did to get me in jail but I did it and I had to live with it. I did'nt tell you did I..?


Here I was, back at the bar, drinking my life away. It was eatting me alive. She had only been dead for a day and I have been drunk since then. I felt like if I drunk enough I would die too and we could finally be together again. Of course I thought of it. Suicide. But I knew that wouldn't help. Sure it would make my pain go away but it would bring more pain onto everyone that cared about me.

I sat there, half emty cup of Jack Daniels when I saw Seth making his way into the bar. Of course he would show up. He kept trying to keep me out but I needed this. It helped with the pain. When I had the booze in my system I felt as if my entire life was a dream and I was trying to wake up.

"If you are here to try and get me to leave you might as well walk out now. I am not going anywhere." I told Seth sslurring my words.

"Dude, you are goinng to drink yourself to death. Please just come bac to the hotel." he begged.

"No Seth. I need this. This is my only way of thinking she is still here."

I could see the anger building up in Seth. Aparrently he was sick of this but I was the broken one. He need to suck it up and leave me alone.

"That's the thing dude, she IS gone!! There isn't shit you can do about it besides let her go!! I know it is hard but you aren't the only one! So get your fucking ass up and come on." He said in a very angry tone.

I stood up and looked him from up to down. He was scowling at me which pissed me off even more. He was not going to walk in here and talk about Bianca like that. Espicially when she is not here to stand up for herself.

"Fuck you." I said as I took him to the ground and started throwing punches.

*End of Flashback*

So after that someone called the cops and then I tried to fight them. So basically they got me for assulting an officer. I didn't care though. In here or out there, I'm still fucked up.

*Bianca's POV*

I was nussled back into my hospital bed watching some stupid show on the tv. My mind was racing. I was trying to figure oout the last thing I remembered without Jason. But I'll I was coming up with was mmetting him at the bar. Then I remeber trying to fight some lady in a coffee shop. Then working at a gym I think my brother owned but Jason came to the gym and I was his trainer. Then I remeber we were dating. For some odd reason I could remeber all the details about our dates. I even remembered how he owed me a Paramore shirt. I wonder if he still remembers that? Ehh, I won't remind him. He should remember on his own.

Ahah!! I remember!! My mother, all my siblings, and I were moving to America right after daddy died. that was my last memory that didn't included him in it. But somehow I felt as if I just spoke with daddy and.. my son.

A/N; Guys, your coments are amazing!! I'm sorry I don't answer them all but I will! I was caught up with writing this chapter.

I think this chapter was really good!! I hope I can get some comment oon this one too! I love reading what you guys have to say. (:

So y'all now the drill..

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