Chapter Nine

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I woke up that morning with the sun glistening off the water. I rolled to my side to see a sleeping Jon right beside me. He looked so peaceful as he slept, like he had not a care in the world. I took in his beauty until his arms snaked around me.

"Are you just going to dare at me all morning or are you going to kiss me?" He said without opening his eyes.

I chuckled as I placed my lips atop his. The kiss lasted about 5 seconds until I tried to pull away. Jon put his hand on the back of my head to keep me there a few more seconds.

"We slept on the beach." I said stretching. I moan a bit as my neck popped.

"Mm, if you sound like that just popping your back I can't wait to hear you in bed!" Jon said laughing.

"Is that all you think about?"

"Com'on Hunny, I am a guy."

I chuckled and laid closer to him trying to embrace every moment with him know he had to leave in a few days.

"So, what do you want to do today?" He asked pulling even closer.

"I don't care as long as I'm with you." I replied pecking his lips softly.

"Well how about this, since I'm only here for like two more days we just spend time together"

"Deal! But I definitely feel like drinking!" I said laughing.

He chuckled, "of course baby, we can drink!"

"Good! I think I need it. Sleeping out here gave me a horrible back ache."

Jon nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck mumbling against my skin, "maybe I can give you a little massage, how about that?"

I brought his head up looking me into the eyes. "A back rub means only a back rub though."

He pouted at me.

"Don't be a baby, baby." I said bringing his lips to mine.

"We should probably get going before people start coming out here." He said pulling away.

"Do we have to?" I whinnied.

"As much as I don't want to, we do."

I huffed and stood up.


He jumped to his feet and we walked to the car.

"Hey hon, how badly do you want to make me happy?" I said smiling.

"I want to make you so so very happy, why?" Jon asked pulling me close to him.

I knew what I was going ask he would say no so I improvised a bit. I brought his lips to mine and kissed him passionately then moving down to his neck, grinding my hips on him. Finally I brought my lips to his ear and whispered, "let me drive?"

He nodded and handed me the keys going in for another kiss. I doges it and got into the drivers seat.

He groaned as he got into the car.

"I'll get you back."

"Of course you will Hunny!"


We made it back to Jon's place and I put on one of his teeshirts that hung past my hips not bothering to put pants on. I collapsed into his bed and tried to relax. Soon enough Jon walked in. He handed me a glass as he sat beside me. I took a big gulp and realized what it was, Hot Dam. I slowly drunk the whole thing down and sat the empty glass on the nightstand. Jon ran his fingers down my back then back up.

"You still want that back rub?" he whispered with his husky voice.

"Mmhm." I muffled into the pillow.

He sat his cup down, me then picking it up finishing it.

"Babe, slow down. I remember you telling me you're a cheap drunk. Wouldn't want you to do something you regret know would we."

"I'm fine. Just rub my back." I tried not to slur. The truth was I was already pretty tipsy and ready to keep drinking.

Jon slowly slid his shirt up to my shoulders unclipping my bra. He brought his hands to my back and rubbed.

His touch drove me wild. I moan slowly as he made his way down to my lower back. I could feel myself getting wetter by the second.

I knew Jon was enjoying it when I looked back to see him smirking.

I sat up and pulled him down atop of me pushing our lips together. I couldn't stand it anymore. I needed him.

"Jon.." I moan into his mouth.

I felt the bulge in his pants growing bigger, smirking to myself.

He glided his hands down to my thigh then to my core.

"Are you sure you want to do this baby?" He asked between kisses.

"Mmhm." I managed to get out between hungry kisses.

Jon pulled away from the kiss and say, "bee, you're drunk. I don't think this is a good idea. You told me before you wanted to wait, so I think that would be best."

I looked up at him and pouted.

"Oh baby, that is probably the cutest reaction I've ever gotten from refusing to fuck a girl. But I'm sorry. I can't. Sober Bianca didn't want to and I don't want to ruin it by screwing around with drunk Bianca."

I nodded at him know he was right.

"Know I'm going to go run some bath water for you, maybe you'll sober up by the time I can get us a dinner made."

I smiled at Jon, "thank you Jonathan, I realize you do respect me.. Even when I'm a tad bit drunk."

He laughed, "you're welcome baby, now let's go."

Jon helped me to my feet but I didn't feel so good. I bent over and puked right on his feet.

"I'm sorry." I say looking up at him.

"It's okay, I'm washable." He said helping me to the bathroom.











Short little chapter to get y'all by til tomorrow, maybe Tuesday.

So Bianca can't handle her alcohol.

And Jon respects her enough to not take advantage of her, what a sweetie pie!!(: hah





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