Chapter Seven

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«Jon's{Dean} POV»

I set there waiting for AJ as I cleaned the place up a bit.

Soon enough there was a knock at my door.

"Hey!" She said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hey." I said dragging her inside.

"I texted you like a hundred times. Why didn't you answer?"

"Shit it must be on silent. Hold on." I walked into the living room where I know my phone was.

I had 28 texts from AJ and one from Bianca.

'Hey Jon, sorry I had to leave so soon. Had to do a few things around the house. You want me to come back over? Of course you do! I'll be there a bit later!(: -Bianca'

"Shit!" I mumbled as I walked towards AJ.

"You gotta go. I've made a mistake." I said pushing her to the door.

"What the fuck-!" She asks.

«Bianca's POV»

I went home to start some Laundry and to feed Aurora.

"Hi baby." I said as I picked her up and snuggled her.

"Have you missed mommy?"

She purred loudly.

"Awe, I know sweetie. Mommy just-" I sighed, "I think I found somebody."

Aurora jumped as my cell phone rang.

It was Mia.

"Hello?" I answered.

"What the hell happened? I thought you were going to come over?"

"Shit. I'm sorry I after I went to jail-"

"You were back in jail? Why the fuck didn't you call me to come get you?"

"Dean got me out.."


I could hear the smile on her face.

"Are y'all together?"

"No, I stayed the night last night and we talked about everything."

"Even you know.. Joe?"

I sighed, "no.."

"Sorry I brought it up.. Do you like him?"

"Actually.. Yes."

"Tell him! Oh my god! You finally found someone! We can double date and-"

"Woah woah! I didn't say i was going to tell him.."

"Why not?!"

"I don't think I'm ready.."

"It's been five years Bianca. Just do it. You'll be happy you did. You need someone in your life.. You're not going to be 21 forever."

"You're right! I gotta go tell him. Love you."

"Love you too! Kisses."


I hurried and grabbed my bag as I made my way outside.

«3rd person POV»

Bianca pulled into his driveway ready to jump into his arms.

But as she got half way up the sidewalk she seen the front door open and Jon was pushing AJ out.

"What the fuck?" AJ screamed.

"AJ, you don't understand. I think I found someone I actually give a fuck about, and I think she gives a fuck about me!

I woke up this morning and she was gone. My heart broke. But as I looked at my phone I seen she does care. The only reason I called you is because I thought she didn't want me.."

Bianca smiled knowing he was talking about her.

Bianca ran over to Jon and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Jon, I do give a fuck about you." Bianca said looking up at him.

He bent down and planted kisses on her lips.

"AJ, I think it's time you leave." Jon said.

"Ha, okay have fun with your whore!" AJ responded.

Bianca looked up at Jon shocked. "I know this bitch ain't talking about me.

"Oh but I am." She said getting her Bianca's face.

Bianca grabbed AJ by her hair and yanked her to the ground, punching her.

Jon finally peeled Bianca off AJ and took her inside.

"Are you okay?" He asked pulling her close by her waist.

"Perfect." She replied hugging him.

"Good." He kisses her softly.

"We need to talk." Bianca said pulling away.

"That never sounds good.." Jon said pulling her into his Living room.

«Bianca's POV»

We sat down on his couch and he grabbed my hand.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Jon, I really do like you. A lot," I felt a smile pulling at my lips, "but, I need to know that your in this too. I don't want to just get hurt. And I don't want you calling other girls the second I leave. I've been hurt a lot. I don't want it to happen again."

Jon moved a piece of hair out of my face and tilted my chin up.

"I will never hurt you intentionally. I like you a lot too! I'm done with all these other girls I've been messing with. They add up to nothing compared to you! I'm ready for something serious, but only is its with you."

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked while a tear slipped from my eye.


"Kiss me." I whispered.

Jon slowly brought his lips to mine.

"Better?" He asked between kisses.

I tangled my hands into his hair as I pulled a bit. "Mmhm." I mumbled.









Awe! So they like each other.. Obviously. Hah

Short chapter but I'm already almost done with the next chapter. It's looong!(:

I hope you guys are enjoying it. I've gotten no comments:(

Remember, Commenting and Voting motivate me to update faster!!(:


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