Chapter Five

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I walked back out to the main part of the gym to see Dean now standing leaning over the counter.

"That hurt." He said holding his gut.

"You poor baby!" I said with a pouty face.

"Yeah I kn- yo, I love your shirt!" He said pointing to my Paramore shirt.

"Ha, thanks. Uhm, are you ready to go? I got shit to do today." I say grabbing my duffle bag.

"Uh yeah... I guess."

"Then get your ass in that car." I said shoving him outside.

He looked at me confused as we walked to my car.

I started driving down the road when Dean asked,

"So, um, what went on back there?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Yenno, we wrestled, I touched your ass, we almost kissed-"

"Ahah, but we didn't."

He glared at me.

"What?!" I asked defensively.


"Stop what!?"

"Acting like you care then being a bitch. I thought we had a moment."

"Dean, you just need to understand that that's what I do. I'm a fucking bitch. I will love you one minute and the next second I'll hate you. I'm crazy, I think I need to go get checked." I said laughing.

He shook his head in laughing, "wow, yenno you're something else."

I pulled into the gas station.

"What do ya mean?" I asked.

"I want to be pissed off at you but for some reasons I just can't."

I unbuckled I seatbelt ad got close to his face, "I have that affect on people." I say barley brushing my lips to his.

I felt him pucker as I moved away and got out of the car.

When I came back he was glaring at me.

"Awh! Is Dean angry?!" I asked.

"Pissed.!" he spat.

"Awh I sorry!! How can I help?"

He smirked, "come here."

I scooted closer and acted like a yawned, "yes?"

Before I knew it Deans lips were on mine.

I hesitated for a moment but then it started kissing back. He slid his tongue across my bottom lip to try and gain entrance. I opened my mouth slightly and the fight for dominance was on. I wasn't going to let him win that easily. Soon enough he gave in and let me enter his mouth I explored around. Then, he explored mine.

I pulled away breathless scooting back to my seat.

"Happy now?" I asked trying not to smile.

"Very!" He said with a smirk planted on his lips.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window biting my lip.

I followed the directions dean gave me as I started thinking about that kiss. It felt amazing to have his lips on mine. I felt as if our lips were dancing, not kissing. I had to bite my lip to stop the smile.

«Dean's POV»

I looked over at her driving, she looked so beautiful. I wish I would have made a better first impression but she's right- she's fucking crazy. That kiss was amazing though. I love how our lips moved in perfect sync together. I hope she doesn't notice the slight bulge in my pants..

"Right here." I say pointing to my house.

She turned in the drive way and put the car in park.

"So, what time should I pick you up?" I ask.

"For what?" She asks confused.

"Dinner, remember?"

"Oh shit. Yeah uhm I don't care. Let me give you my address." She says digging for a pen and paper.

"Well wait- why don't you just text it to me?"

"Give me my phone and I will."

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot. You wanna come on inside to get it?"

She looked at me hesitate for a moment then said, "I guess."

As we got out and walked to my door I realized I locked my keys inside.

"Shit!" I yelled kicking the door.

"What?" She asked confused.

"We're going to have to crawl through my window.. Locked my keys inside."

"Smooth move. You do it. I'll wait here."

"About that. I can't fit. I'm to big, you'll have to."

She glared at me as she said, "show me the window."

I walked with her around to the back as I showed her my window.

"Just go threw there and then go open the door."


I went back around to wait for her. A few Minutes later the door opened with her looking angrier than ever.

"What happen?!" I asked confused.

"When I slid through the window my shirt got caught and fucking ripped it-"

"I am so-"

"Shut up I'm not done. Who puts a glass of fucking water right under there window?!" She yelled turning so I could see her thigh.

Her shirt was ripped completely down the side and her pants were soaked and ripped right below her ass.

"I am so sorry Bianca!" I exclaimed.

"It's fine.. Um can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, what?"

"I think it cut me.. Can you check?"

I seen her cheeks turn red with embarrassment.

"Yeah, come in here." I said leading her into the bathroom.

She stood there.

"Take it off." I said gesturing to her pants.

She huffed and slid out of them turning around.

I coughed and adjusted my pants to make sure little friend wasn't to noticeable.

I bent down to get a better look. I barley touched it and she winced in pain.

"Yeah. It got ya pretty good." I said going to the drawer to get a bandaid.

"Great." She says huffing.

"Don't worry, it's just below your ass. It didn't get the goods!"

"Stop." she said sternly

I laughed.

She went to put her jeans back on.

"You can't wear those! Let me get you a pair of sweats and A different shirt."

"Fine.." She sighed, "but you're buying me a new Paramore shirt!"

I laughed and said, "deal."


I didn't get to proof read this chapter so excuse the errors.

So Bianca and Dean shared a kiss.!

What do you thinks going to happen?!

Don't forget,

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