Chapter 34

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A/N: Grab yalls tissues! You might just need them!!:3





**Bianca's POV**

"Pregnant. You are pregnant Ms. Vasquez" He repeated once more.

I felt as if my whole life was crumbling down. I just found out I'm pregnant and I have absolutely no idea wants going on in life. The onlly thing I can really remember is the things about the love of my life. I wonder how he will take this. I'm pregnant. Pregnant.

"How far along am I?" I asked.

"Around two months. I would like to say I am so sorry ma'am, I have no idea how we didn't know. We just overlooked it I think. But don't you worry, when I was listening to your stomach I heard a heartbeat so that is a very good sign." He explained.

"Damn, I'm pregnant.." I said in shock.

"I will give you a moment. I think you need it." he said standing up.

"Can you send Jason in? I need to talk to him." I asked.

"Of course," He said opening the door.

Soon after Jason came in. He seemed off but also a little scared. How was I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant? This was going to be pretty emotional.

"Jason, we need to talk.." I said as he sat down beside me.

"W-What is it?" he asked oddly.

"I just need some answers, can you give them too me?"

"I can try."

"Okay. What year is it?"


"How old am I?"


"How long have I been out?"

"Two months."

"Okay, now this one might come off weirdly but, you are really who I think you are?"

"Of course Ali. It's me.. It's always been me."

"Okay, so we were together a little over two months ago?"


"Jason, I'm pregnant.." I said hanging my head down.

When I looked back up his face was completely white like he had just seen a ghost. I was so confused.. Did he not want any more children? Was he lying to me about something? I just need to know what the hell is going on in his head. One moment he is so happy to see me and the next he is completely zoned out as if he is doing something wrong and he doesn't want to get caught.. Maybe he's cheating on me.

**Jason's POV**

I stood up and calmly walked to the third floor where I knew Nancy would be. I need to get this off of my chest because I knew damn well that baby wasn't mine. But Ali thinks that it is mine. Maybe I got this going to far? I just can't help it. I want to be with her and I want her to stay as far away from her old life as possible.

"Nancy!" I said as I finally found her.

"What?!" She asked concerned.

"She is pregnant!! And she thinks it is mine!!"

"You fucking idiot! Why didn't you tell her?!?" She yelled.

"I panicked!"

"Jason, if you don't tell her I will!!" She said with anger in her voice.

"Don't please! I will tell her! As soon as she gets released from the hospital I will set her down and tell her everything." I pleaded.

"If I find out you don't, I will hunt you down and Jesus will be he only one that can save you."

"Okay, okay. I got it."

"I mean it! I will fuck you up Jason!" Nancy said.

"I heard you Nancy!" I said walking towards the door.

*Jon's POV**

It was awesome being back at work! I just got done with a match against Wade Barrett. I won if course. I was making my way backstage while our music played. Once I got backstage Wade walked up to me.

"Good job bud." he said shaking my hand.

"Thanks dude." I said.

"Are you okay? about the whole Bianca thing.." he asked putting his head down.

"I have my days, but she wouldn't want me just setting around doing nothing. She'd kill me if I did!"

"Yeah, she was a great person. You were a very lucky man getting to love her."

"I know, I still am lucky. I will never stop loving her. I just wish I could have spoken to her before she went. I mean I told her it was okay to let go but if I would have known our last conversation would have been our last I would have made it a hell of a lot better.."

Out of nowhere he brought me into a hug. I thought about pushing him off but I really just needed the comfort. I'm broken without her, it's hard to be strong but I try so hard.

A/N: Sorry guys I have been camping so the updates are coming in slow but don't worry, it's about to get very interesting.

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