Chapter 41

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"BIANCA!" the voice yelled. The were so close I felt like I could touch him. But I couldn't see anything, I couldn't even move. I fet a hand rest on my shoulder then someone shake it slightly. I suddenly felt the urge to scream, so I did. I heard his voice again, "BEE!?" I knew I was laying down but I couldn't tell you were I was. That was beyond me. "P-Please?" He spoke again. I wanted to move, I wanted to speak, but I couldn't. It felt as if I wasn't even in a body anymore, like I was just a floating soul. Suddenly I felt a rush of pain in my stomach, I sht up clutching my pregnant belly. I took in my surroundings. I was in a car, a fimalliar car. The I looked to my right and saw Jon. He had the car door ope and was kneeling down on his knees. The look of fear in his eyes. But as our eyes connected I was a tear escape and him pull me close. My arms wrapped around him as he cried. "What happened?" I asked softly.

He let go and brushed a piece of hair out of my face softly carressing it, " was driving to take us to our hotel and you just started screaming. I didn't know what to do. You ooked like you were in so much pain. So i pulled oer and tried to wake you up. When you wouldn't I-I, I couldn't help but think I ost you again. Then thinking about losing you and our baby I just broke down."

I pulled him close to me again. It broke my heart to see him like this. I wish we could stay in the moment forever, just comforting each other. That is what we do best anyway. But the thought of my dream made me feel sick. Pushing Jon back, he fell on his back and I felt the vomit spewing out of my mouth. Then the tears came. He tried to comfort me as I kept puking, but it didn't make me feel any better. Something was seriously wrong though.

"Take me to the hospital." I demanded.

Jon didn't even think twice about it, he climbed in the car and sped off down the road. While I rode in the passanger seat I prayed. I prayed that it had nothing to do with the baby. If it did I don't think I could live with myself. This was Jon and I's baby. Our own little person. If something were to happen I don't think I would beable to make it.

Minutes later we arrived at the hospital. Jon ran out of the car an over to my side. He picked me up very carefully and walked in the entrance to the hospital. By now the roomwas spinning and I knew I wasn't going to beable to stay consicous much longer. The last thing I rememeber was Jon placing me on a hospital bed and whispering, "Stay strong, for us. I love you."


Eerything was white, but I saw nothing. It's funny, people say when you die you relive everything that has ever happened to you. But all I see is white. Maybe because I can't remember everything. Maybe because I didn't acheive what I was planned to. Maybe I didn't live a good enough life to be remembered.

In the faint disance I saw a mirror, slowly walking towards I saw my reflection. I was in all white, my hair was back to its original jet black color. My eyes didn't have bags under them anymore. I look as if evrything was perfectly fine. But the one thing I was semi happy about was I didn't have the belly bump. Maybe that means b some miracle they saved it. No.. it was only a couple months old. I began to sob quietly. I'd never get to speak to Jon again. Never get to have our baby. Never get to experince the joy of marriage. My life's over, and it hadn't even started.

In the miror I began to grow a tad bit. Now, my hair was short and brown. My face lit up like I had just got tan. My waist ban seemed to have went up a few sizes and my boobs a few cups. I looked like a completly different person. Behid me I saw a faint shadow followed by a person. A boy. He could be but eight years old. He was a handsome young thing. Ginger colored hair, light skin with freckles covering his face.I looked at him and couldn't help to notice how much he resembled Jon. His eyes were the same ocean blue that I fell in love with.

I couldn't get any words to form out of my mouth, only tears out of my eyes. The little boy wrpped his arms around me tightly. I hugged him back while tear kept streaming down my face. Is this, my little boy? It's like he read my mind becausein the next moment he spoke.

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