Chapter 12

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That morning was hell. I woke up sore. I could barley move and I think I'm sick. I rolled over to wake up Jon.

"Jonnnn.." I whinnied.

"What?" He asked with sleep still in his voice.

"I hurt.."

He laughed and pulled me close, "you're so innocent!"

"Not anymore!" I said kissing him.

"Mm, you're still innocent!"

"I'm going to miss you when you leave.." I said pouting.

"Im going to miss you too baby!" Jon said kissing my lips.

"Just stay here?" I pleaded.

"I have to go make money babe. But don't worry! I'll be back I swear!"

"You better!!!"

He chuckled and said, "why don't I go make us some breakfast and then we can snuggle?"

I pulled him really really close and said, "nooo! Just lay with me?"

"Okay baby." He said kissing the top of my head.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

"well we haven't been to the gym in a while."

"I might have to have BJ spot y'all, I don't think I can get up!"

"Was it that bad?"

"No, it was that good!!"

Jon rolled on top of me, "yenno, I think I know the best medicine!"

"Really now?"

He kissed along my jaw, "mmhm."

"Well, anything to get the pain away."

He pulled me up for a kiss.

"But alas, it'll cause you more pain then you're in now.."

I rolled us over so I was on top of him.

"It's okay, I'm willing to try." I said smirking down at him.

I moved the sheets aside and looked down at Jon.

"You sure babe." He asked

"As sure as I've ever been!" I whisper in his ear

He smirked and squeezed my ass.

I yelped a bit and then laughed.

I kissed his lips and he bit my lip gaining a soft quiet moan.

"I love you.." He whispered against my lips.

"I love you more baby." I said grinding my hips against his.

I felt Jon's bulge growing bigger on my thigh and I smirked with confidence.

"Bee.." He moaned as I started stroking him.

I laughed and connecting our lips in the process.

"Babe.. Quit teasing!" Jon said with anger and lust.

I obeyed and started riding him. I definitely felt the same pain but not as bad. It was more pleasure this time.

"Jon.." I moaned into his mouth.

I started picking up the pace. Turning my moans into screams.

Jon flipped us over so he was on top.

"Shhh baby. the neighbors might here!!" Jon said thrusting inside me fast and rough.

I knew he was right so I brought my teeth to his neck and bit down sealing the noise.

Jon speed got even faster and I wrapped my legs around his waist so he could get deeper.

"Jon.." I moaned.

"Bee.." He moaned back.

"I'm close." I said as my hips buckled.

"Hold it babe." He said grunting and moving faster.

"Ahhh!!!" I screamed.

"Hold it!"

I felt myself getting closer and closer, me having to bite Jon's neck to hold it.

"Goooo.." Jon said.

Jon and I moaned loudly at the same time reaching our high.

"And you thought you were sore this morning!" Jon said laughing.

"Oh shut up and go make breakfast!!"


«Jon's POV»

We went at it again for another like two hours after breakfast. I've never done it like that. Passionately. Any other time I'm with a woman it's rough.

Bee's different, she's not like other girls and I'm happy she isn't! She's my everything.

I laid there in bed beside her sleeping body. She looked so peaceful. I notice one of her tattoos poking out under the sheets so I decide to take a peek.

It's on her rib cage and it said, "you call me a dreamer but I'm not the only one." With a tiny dream catcher beside it.

I move lower and see more tattoos. She was almost covered. But I didn't mind, it was pretty hot. I looked over everyone of her tattoos inspecting them carefully. I decided which was my favorite. It was on her chest just above her boob. It was a rose; have of it was yellow and bloomed beautifully, the other half was brown and wilted. Underneath it read, "beauty's an illusion." With the words fading into her skin. It was beautiful!

As I was examining her my phone began to ring. It was Seth.

"Hello?" I whispered into the phone.

"Why so quiet?" He yelled into the phone.

"Shhh! Bee's sleeping!"

"Haha sorry dude.. What are y'all doing tonight?"

"I think were just going to chill out here tonight, she's pretty tired."

"Oh okay, I was going to ask if y'all wanted to go out tonight but if y'all are to sore.."

"Shut up man! And I gotta ask Bee something tonight so were busy."

"Oh shit! This soon?"

"Dude it's not what you think."

"Whatever, I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning when we get on the plane."

"Kay, bye dude."

As soon as I hung up Bianca woke up and looked up at me asking,

"Will you carry me to the bathroom? I don't think I can move.."

I laughed as kissed her.

"Anything for you babe."

I went to pick her up but she started laughing pushing me off.

"Thanks babe but I was kidding."

"Haha, I knew that!"

"Obviously." She said laughing.

"So.. We need to talk.." I said laying beside her.

"Are you breaking up with me already?"

"No.. I love you too much!" I said kissing her.

"Then what?"

"Okay the meeting I had to go to yesterday was about us leaving for work."


"Change of plans, we are leaving tomorrow morning."

I could see the sadness in her eyes as she said, "oh.."

"and by we I mean.. You and I. If you want."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered, "oh I want!"

"Good, pack a bag." I said kissing her lips.

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