Chapter 26

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A/N: Finally an update!!^.^ Sorry, I know it's been forever. But have no fear! I've been writing and should get back to regular schedule soon!!(:


Soon enough the plane ride was over. It was a big blur because I fell asleep for most of the ride. But when I was awake Wade kept me off the subject of the plane.

"Well, I guess I'll see ya around ey?" Wade asked as we grabbed our bags

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

He went his way and I went the other. I decided I'd call a can to take me to the doctors office then to my mothers. As I pulled y phone out I saw I had over 70 calls and 45 texts from Dean. I smiled as I realized he really did care.

I was coming down the escalator when I seen it.

Dean was standing there in his raggedy old jeans, a blue t-shirt, and his oversized white zip up jacket. He was holding a piece of paper that read,

'I'm sorry.'

I smiled and ran down the escalators into his arms. We embraced each other for a while until Jon finally spoke up,

"I'm sorry, I really am."

I looked up at him and gave him a sweet smile,

"Baby, it's fine."

He smiled down at me and I brought his lips down to mine. I could honestly say I missed this. I hated being mad at him but when his lips were on mine I felt the passion. It was like we were two teenagers discovering love for the first time.

We broke the kiss short and left that way no one would notice Jon. Luckily Jon had rented a car for us so we didn't have to take a cab.

We climbed into the car and Jon took off down the road.

I have him directions to my doctors and we were on our way. Jon reached over and grabbed my hand, placing a soft kiss upon it. I smiled at him and said,

"I'm glad you came. I didn't want to be mad at you anymore."

He laughed,

"This morning I was so tired I didn't wen realize what I was saying, I'm just so happy you forgive me."

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too baby."


After we made it to the doctors office and they took a look at me, they decided I need to be put on some new medicine. Of course I didn't oblige, I knew I needed. They also told me I shouldn't be wrestling. That broke my heart. But they told me if I didn't it could possibly put me in harms way because my heart is already bad as it is.

Jon and I walked out of the doctors office hand in hand. I was holding back the tears. I know I just started wrestling but I really enjoyed it.

"Babe, don't you worry." He said as he held the car door open for me.

After he climbed in I decided to lay the news on him.

"Babe, I told my mother I'd stop by.. Do you mind?"

"Of course not, just tell me where I'm going!"

"You're the best!" I said leaning over and kissing him softly on the cheek.

"I know" he said cockily.


A/N: I'm sorry, this chapter sucks. I know. It's a filler though. The next chapter is going to e better! I promise!!(:

So, can I get a few votes for this not so good chapter? Lol.

Comment, vote, follow!(:


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