Chapter 22

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Jon and I ran backstage hand in hand, happy as can be.

"That was great babe." Jon said twirling me around.

I kissed his lips softly.

"Whatta ya say we go get a hotel room and celebrate?" He whispered.

I moan into his ear, "why are we still standing here?"

As we went to make our way to the door Hunter stopped us.

"My office. Now!" He demanded.

"Yes dad!" I said cockily.

"Don't get cute with me Vasquez!" He said sternly putting a finger in my face.

"I already am!" I said giggling.

"Babe, stop." Jon whispered.

"Why? Are you intimidated by this ass clown?" I asked loudly.

"This ass clown can fire you!" Hunter said.

"Oh my goodness! I'm shaking!" I laughed.

Jon grabbed me, "seriously! Fucking stop!"

I jerked away from him, "whatever!"

I walked to Hunter's office and plopped into one of the chairs. Soon after Jon and Hunter walked in.

"Hun, what's wrong." Jon whispered setting his hand on my thigh.

I moved away from him, "don't touch me."

"Let's get down to business! The crowd loves you two together. Two badass, possibly the next power couple. But were going to need some drama. Like, AJ drama.."

I cut Hunter off by saying, "hell no! Fuck that bitch! I will tear her ass up! That's MY man. Not hers!!"

"What happen to 'don't touch me!'?" Jon asked.

"Shut up! You're my man! Even if I'm pissed the fuck off at you."

Jon smirked.

"That's exactly what I want! You Guys are so alike, crazy! You two will start escorting each other out and being the perfect crazy couple but AJ will try to stop it. Beat the hell out of her. Its what the people want."

"Fine." I said annoyed.


"Yeah, I'm in."

"You guys are dismissed."

I shot up out of my seat and quickly walked towards the door.

"BEE!" Jon yelled.

I ignored him as I kept walking.

"Bianca Renee Vasquez!"

I still ignored him.

Finally he caught up and spun me around.

"Don't ignore me Bee!" He said pushing me against the wall.

I struggled to get free.

"Bianca, what did I do?!" He asked.

I stopped squirming and looked him dead in the eye, "really? You have to ask?"

"Bee, I'm sorry."

I finally broke free as I said, "how can you be sorry if you don't even know what you did."

"BEE!" He yelled after me.

I made it to his car as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Unlock the doors?" I asked.

"Not until you tell me what I did." He said pulling me close.

I pushed him away, "Jon it doesn't even matter.. Just take me to the hotel."

He huffed as he gave in and unlocked the doors.


In the car it was awkward. He kept trying to talk but I kept ignoring him. Finally he got the hint when I turned the radio up loud.

When we arrived to the hotel I didn't even wait for Jon, I went straight inside and up the elevator.

I put my pajamas on and climbed into bed when I heard Jon came in.

He shuffled around and then climb into bed.

For a good hour I just sat there. I couldn't go to sleep knowing I was mad at him. Plus, it felt weird him right there but not snuggled with me. So I made the move. I crawled over to him and laid my head in his chest. He put his arm around me and asked,

"So you're not mad at me anymore?"

"No, but I'm still pissed..!"

He laughed, "okay then, just lay there then."

He got on top of me and started kissing my neck.

"Quit!" I said giving him a slight push.

"Don't be like this baby." He said kissing down my jaw line.

"Jonathon!" I said sternly.

He brought his lips to my neck again, sucking and biting.

I but my lip trying not to moan. I was successful until he found my sweet spot.

I felt the vibration from Jon laughing against my skin.

"See babe, even when you're pissed at me I can't make you moan." He whispered the last part into my ear.

I couldn't take it anymore, I wrapped my arms ad legs around him bringing his lips to mine.

Suddenly Jon got off me.

"What the fuck?!" I asked.

"You're pissed, remember?" He asked.

"Shut up and fuck me!" I said pulling me to me again.

"Mm, okay. Only because you can't resist me." He said kissing my lips.





Hey guys, so I'm not sick anymore!! Back to regular updating schedule!!(:

Feedback is welcomed and very much appreciated!!:p

T/V <3

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