Chapter 28

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A/N: I've been working on this chapter for sometime now just because I wanted to make sure it was the best it could possibly be. This is my way of saying sorry for not updating. I was having personal problems and then writers block set in. So lets see if I can get back to normal ey?


"Run. Just keep going, he can't catch you if you run fast enough.." The strange voice told me.

I was in the middle of our hotel room, scared. I was his shadow moving closer to me. I then closed my eyes and hoped when I opened them it would all be a dream. I clung to the arm of the couch as the tears streamed out of my eyes.

"P-Please. I left you alone. Why are you still doing this Joe?" I asked through the tears.

I opened my eyes to see him throwing things at the walls and on the floor. He ran over to me as I closed my eyes again. I felt his hand caress my cheek softly then slam down hard.

It was different. Before when he'd hit me it wouldn't hurt as bad. But now it felt as if a million needles were poking through my ceek.

"Joseph, please.." I said between gasps, eyes still squeezed shut.

I heard him laugh slightly. His voice even sounded deeper.

Suddenly the strange voice came back,

"Bianca, RUN!! He's dangerous."

I looked in the direction it was coming from. It was Seth? How did he know about Joseph.

My body went limp, I couldn't move or speak when I looked to my right. He sat there with a bat in his hands. Why was he doing this? I tried to plead but It felt like my throat was gone. He brought the bat to my side and the pain rushed through my body. I felt it everywhere. I was then kicked to the middle of the floor where I was beat with the same bat again.

I looked up still shocked that this was happening. Tears were now falling out of my eyes like a waterfall as my mind wondered. He ssat the bat down and came down face to face with me.

I finally found the words, "W-Why, Jon?"

I was awoken by my uncontrollable shaking. My mind was racing as my body shook. I tired to reach for Jon for help but he wasn't there. I knew exactly what was happening, a seizure. I had them bad as a child, but they soon went away. I knew exactly what to do. Don't fight it, I had to just let it happen...

**3rd person POV**

It was 9:30am, time for the house keeping to clean the hotel rooms. Janis decided she'd take the top floor today, spice it up. She got her card key out just in case as she knocked on the door to room 318. Nobody came to the door so she opened the door.

Like always she started in the living room. She vaccumed, dusted, and made sure everything was in it's rightful place. She then made her way into the bedroom. She opened the door and a woman was laying on the bed naked. At first she though she was intruding until she noticed the woman wasn't breathing. Hurrily she ran to the woman and started mouth to mouth. As she did this she got her walkie talkie out. Between breaths she talked.

"I have an unconsious woman in room 318!! I need an ambulance, NOW!!"

She knew exactly what to do. Slightly push on the chest the blow air into the mouth. Maybe she had a chance of saving this girl. As paramedics came into the room pulling her onto a strecher Janis hit the floor.

"PLease oh please God, don't let this girl go. I'm begging. Please, Please, Please.."

Janis watched as they wheeled her out of the room while she sat ther praying for this poor woman and her family. She looked over to the spot where the woman was laying, there sat a piece of paper. Janis walked over and picked the paper up.


I wanted to hit the gym early, I hope you don't mind. I will bring you back Starbucks and some doughnuts. I love you so much. xx


Janis knew exactly what she had to do.

**Jon's POV**

I was standing at the weights, lifting them up and down. I had my headphones in to try and focus. The song Bee and I had danced to came on and suddenly she was all I could think about. I thought about that beautiful red hair that cascaded over her tan, tattooed, shoulders. I felt warmth within myself just at the mere thought of her. She was absolutly amazing and I was the luckiest guy on Earth.

Someone tapped on my shoulder taking me out of my trace. I spun around ripping the headphones out of my ear furious.

"Are you Jon?" A woman asked me out of breath.

"Yes, and I'm sorry. I'm happily taken." I said laughing trying to turn back to my weights.

"Bee right?"

I turned back around fast, "How do you know her?"

"I-I hate to tell you this.." She said quietly.

"Spit it out."

"I found her in your guys' room.. unconcious."

I felt all the blood leave my face. What the hell was I supposed to do, if I lost Bee I don't think I would make it. She is my world.

"Sir?" The woman asked/

"Where is she?" I asked emotionless.


"I SAID WHERE IS SHE?" I yelled.

"Um, oh, the hospital right down the street. I can take you if-"

I didn't let her finish her sentence. I ran out the door, not even bothering to get in my car. I was going to run to that hospital I needed to now she was okay. I just needed to..


A/N: So, um, wow. I haven't updated in forever and then when I do I hit y'all with that.

I honestly think this vhapter is awesome and I think it deserves comments and a hella bunch of votes!!:)

I want to know what you guys think!!

vote, comment, follow!:)


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