Chapter Eight

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Jon and I decided we'd go on our first date later that night after we went to the gym and worked out.

The guys are supposed to come over in about 30 minutes to hang out before going to work out so I was going to take a shower.

I undressed and started the water. I climbed on and started washing my body when I heard the door open.

"Can I wash .your back?" Dean asked while walking to the toilet.

"I've already washed my back." I retorted.

"Then can I wash your front?" He retorted back walking towards the shower.

I giggled as he stripped his clothes down.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he climbed in.

"Saving water." He said cockily.

"Very funny."

Jon looked me up and down. I blushed embarrassed.

"Don't worry," he said pulling me close, "you're beautiful. Don't be embarrassed." He started kissing me neck.

"What about the guys?" I asked.

"They know where the extra key is."

"Babe." I said quietly.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking concerned.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as i said, "I don't think I'm ready yet.."

"I understand. I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want." He snaked his arms around my waist.

I got on my tippy toes and pushed my lips to his.

He pulled away and grabbed shampoo.

"What are you doing?"

"Like I said, saving water."

He put some shampoo in his hands in applied it to my hair, massaging my scalp.

After he rinsed it I did the same for him.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"For what?" He whispered back.


He nodded and opened the shower door for me.

When we finally got dressed and walked into the kitchen the guys were already in there eating.

"Hey guys." Jon said.

"Hey- woah! Bianca?" Seth asked surprised.

"In the flesh." I said hopping on one of the bar stools.

"I don't mean to sound rude but, why are you here?" Roman asked laughing.

Jon walked over and hugged me from behind.

Seth and Roman looked at each other and said, "oh."

Jon laughed and kissed my cheek.

"So guys, what are we eating?" I asked leaning over the cabinet.

"Leftover pizza." Seth said handing me a piece.

I took a big bite and all the guys laughed.

"What?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Hey dean, at least she comfortable around you!" Roman said cracking up.

I blushed as they all laughed.

"You guys want to watch a movie?" Seth asked walking into the living room.

Jon groaned as Roman agreed.

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