Chapter 23

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•Jon's POV•

*this chapter has a little bit of a rates R part. If you're not comfortable just skip down to the part with the stars by it*

I climbed on top of Bee rubbing every inch of her skin, gaining soft moans from her.

"Jon, quit teasing!" She said as I rubbed her through her underwear.

I chuckled.

I reached lower to feel her underwear soaked with her juices.

"Baby, who made you this wet?" I asked while biting her earlobe.

"You and only you Jon." She replied in a low voice.

I slowly kissed my way down her face, to her neck, then her chest. I grabbed one if her boobs and squeezed it slightly. Getting a half moan half squeal out of Bianca.

I then moved to her stomach. Sucking and kissing all over it while she tried to push me were she really wanted me.

"Someone's eager huh?" I asked.

"Jon, don't make me beg."

I chuckled and kissed down to her core, meeting her underwear. I smirked up at her as I took them in my mouth, dragging them down her smooth tan legs.

I brought myself back up after taking them off. I kissed the inside of her thighs and then attached my mouth to her core.

As my tongue worked magic I started massaging her clit with my right hand. Moans and screams escaped Bee's mouth. She brought her hands to my head and tangled her fingers into my hair, trying to make me go deeper.

Suddenly she screamed my name and her juices exploded in my mouth. She tried to catch her breath as I cleaned her up with my mouth.

I then moved my way back to her face.

"You taste amazing." I said smirking at her.

She pulled my lips onto her and stuck her tongue in my mouth, flipping us over. She then started taking my pants off, boxers soon after.

She then smirked at me when she started putting my member into her mouth.

I stopped her, "tonight it's all about you baby."

I pulled her back up and flipped us back over.

I positioned myself right near her entrance.

"Ready?" I asked.

She kissed me and nodded.

I slowly pushed myself deep into her, moans escaping both of our mouths.

I didn't give her anytime, I pulled out then slammed into her again and again with hard deep thrusts.

I knew she liked it the way she was screaming my name.



We screamed as we both climaxed at the same time.

I climbed off of her laying beside her trying to catch my breath.


"It's okay." She whispered quietly.

"Thank you baby. Now can you tell me what I did?" I asked laying my head on her shoulder.

"When you yelled and got in my face I felt like you didn't really love me.."

"That's crap! Of course I love you babydoll!"

She smiled as she kissed my cheek.

"I love you too, Sunshine."

"Don't you ever doubt my love for you."

"I won't."

"Can i tell you something?" I asked as I ran my fingers down her stomach.

"Over course Hun."

"Okay so before I met you, I-I had no respect for women. I would talk sweet to them just to get in their pants the be a dick to them afterward. But that night when I saw you, I felt something.. And when you kissed me I knew it was only because you were drunk but I felt- I felt, butterflies.. I've never been in love so I don't know if I'm doing this right so yeah.. I'm sorry if I'm a ass sometimes."

She smiled as a tear escaped her eye, "babe I don't care about how you use to treat women, you treat me with so much respect and love that I know its real. When I was with J-Joe.. I thought I was in love but I didn't know love until you came around. I was such a bitch in the beginning because I didn't want to get hurt.. I'm glad you fought for me because you're a keeper."

I kissed her sweetly, "I think we were made for each other. I know that's cheesy as fuck but I don't care."

She looked at me with those big beautiful brown eyes with so much passion and right then and their I knew, Bianca was my person.

"I love you.." She whispered.

"I love you too.." I whispered back taking in the moment an kissing her soft lips once again.

She finally pulled away and lay her head on my chest, soon enough falling into a tender sleep.











A/N: little bit of a smutty chapter!:3 hope y'all like it!(:

I'm loving all the Feedback! Keep them comments coming!!;D


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