Chapter 29

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**Jon's POV**

As soon as i got to the hospital they told me to wait in the lobby. I dialed Seth and told him to take the red eye out here as soon as possible. 30 mintues later him and Roman were coming through the door. I was so happy to see them. Maybe they could keep me calm for the time being.

"What's going on?" Seth asked worried.

"I went to the gym and some lady came telling me they found Bee in the room unconcious so I rushed over. They won't let me back there yet so I've just been waiting." I explained.

"Dude are you alright? You don't look too good.." Roman said helping me set down.

"The girl I am love with is setting back there in a hospital bed. I have no fucking clue if she is okay or not so to answer your question, no! I am not okay." I said finally breaking down.

Tears streamed down my face as I thought about her. I hope she is okay. I can't lose her. I sat there in tears as Seth and Roman tried to calm me down as best as they could. The tears just wouldn't stop falling.


**Bianca's POV**

It was dark. Everything was dark. I started screming but it didn't help. No one is around. I close my eyes then open them once more. Now everything is white and theres a little blue spot a bit farther down.

I get up and walk over to it. A little baby is setting on it. He had chubby pink cheek that I just wanted to squeeze. I bent down to his level and noticed a braclet around his wrist. It said how much he weighed and when he was born. But the name was blank.

I looked up and was in shook. I stood and got right in front of him. I knew exactly who he was.

"You look so much like your mother baby." He said pulling me close.

I held on to him tight, not wanting to ever let go of him.

"Daddy? Where am I?" I asked scared.

"Your safe baby, don't you worry. we don't have much time though. I have someone I would like for you to meet." He said picking the baby up.

"What's is name?" I asked holding him.

"You tell me la hija." he said smiling at me.


*Jon's POV**

"Sir," a lady said tapping me on the shoulder, "Y'all can see her now."

I stood up and nodded to Seth and Roman. They also stood and followed close behind me. I felt like the walk to her room took forever. But when I finally reached it I took a deep breath and turned the door knob.

My heart broke, she laid there with tubes down her throat and she was hooked up to machines. I couldn't hold back the tears that were forming. Seeing her like that made me feel horrible. If I was in the room I could have saved her. She would have been fine if I didn't have to go to the stupid gym.

"Is she going to make it?" I asked with tear filled eyes.

"Right now, the only thing keeping her live is those machines," the doctor explained, "I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Miss Vasquez has a 50/50 chance. We will do everything we can."

"What caused all this?" I asked throught th tears.

"She had a seizure in her sleep. I saw she has some heart problems. Has she been taking her meds?" He asked.

"We went to get the refills yesterday.. I guess we were too late."

"Don't worry, I will do everything I can to save her." He said patting me on the back.

"Can I have a moment alone with her?" I asked.

"Of course." he said escorting Roman and Seth out with him.

I sat down in the chair besid eher bed. As the tears kept falling I grabbed her hand.

"Bee, oh my sweet Bee. I didn't think we'd have to go through this again. I just wan you to know that I love you so much. I regret leaving this morning. I hope you didn't go through much pain. Baby, without you, I have no idea what I wuld do. I would be so lost without you. But honey, if you're in pain, I want you to know, you can let go. I don't want you to be miserable. Please try to hang on. But if it gets too much, let go. I understand." I kissed her hand slightly and laid it back down beside her.

I sat there in silence for awhile until I heard the door open. It was Seth and Roman. I looked up and then slowly put my head back down. They came over towards me and tried to comfort me.

"Don't worry bro, she'll come around." Roman said rubbing my back genatly.

"I hope she does.." I said snuffling.


**Bianca's POV**

I held him close to me as I realized who he was. He was beautiful. Little green eyes, bleach blond hair, and a chunky little thing. I looked up at my dad and finally decided.

"Hayden." I said with a tear.

"Hayden what?" he asked

"Hayden Wade Vasquez."

We sood there embracing each other while I finally got to hold my son.


I felt like posting another short chapter!!^,^

So, It's getting pretty emotional.. :/

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