Chapter Four

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"Y'all know each other?!" Seth asked shocked.

"Kinda." I said quietly.

"Kinda? This is the bitch from last night!!" Dean told them.

"What?" Seth asked.


"Hey now, I'm not a bitch! You're the one who won't give me my shit." I yelled

"I tried but your dumbass went to jail!"

"What the fuck ever! Just give me my crap!"

"Woah woah woah, Dean, is this the girl you bailed out of jail?" Roman asked.

"Sadly.. Yes!" He said as he stormed off.

That whole session Dean decided to be a baby and set outside.

"Is he always this dramatic?" I asked Seth as we grabbed some water.

"Ha. no, not really. He's just mad. He's use to having girls throw themselves at him. You're different. It's like it's his mission to get you to like him!" Seth explained.

"I just want my purse!" I say taking a drink.

"And I just want a chance." Dean said from behind us.

I turned around to face Dean.

"Dean, I do apologize for last night. I was being quite a bitch. But, in my defense I don't like it when people wake me up! But Dean- can we go outside?" I asked nodding towards Seth.

He nodded and we walked to the benches outside.

" I understand you want a chance but this isn't a love story. This is real life. There isn't any of that princess shit-"

"I'm asking you for one date not for you to sell your soul." He said setting beside me.

A huffed, "okay. But! Only as friends!"


"Okay, can I have my purse now? I haven't had a cigarette in two days."

He chuckled, "I don't have it. It's at my place, I didn't plan on you being our trainer," he reached into his pocket, "have one of mine."

I slowly inhaled the smoke then exhaled.

Dean lit one up as well as I asked, "so why'd ya bail me out of jail?"

"That ain't no place for a lady."

I laughed, "I sure as hell ain't no lady!"

Seth and Roman walked outside with there stuff, "bout ready?" They asked Dean.

"Actually, since I didn't get to work out I was wondering if maybe I could stay a bit and work out?" Dean asked me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Twoish." Dean said.

"Uhh, yeah.. I guess for a bit." I said.

"Great!" Dean said standing up.

"Bye guys." I said to Seth and Roman.

"Bye Bianca, hey Dean you want us to come pick you up later?" Roman asked.

"No. I will take him home." I said pushing him into the gym.

"Thanks." He said laughing.

"No problem, but no more this nice shit! Go get ready! Your about to get the hardest workout of your life!" I said sternly.

"Oh please don't threaten me with a good time baby." He said winking.

I blushed and hit him in the chest.


After the workout Dean and I sat down and had another cigarette.

"You're one tough bitch!" He said blowing smoke out.

"I'm a boxer, what do you expect?!" I say laughing.

"What I didn't know that!! Well I'm a wrestler so I'm pretty tough too!"

"Ha, yeah, but boxing is real. That shit you do is scripted!"

"Hey now! Doesn't mean shit!"

"I can take ya!"

Out of nowhere dean tackles me backward and pins me down.

"Really? Like I said, don't threaten me with a good time."

I looked up at him and stared into those beautiful blue eyes. He then leaned down.

I took the shot and flipped us over so I was pinning him down.

"I win." I say cheekily.

"Not yet baby."

I pulled his leg up and twisted it.

"How bout now? Oh and I'm not your baby."

"Owowowow!!!" He screamed.

"Tap out!"

"Never! Owow.."

"Tap out.. Baby." I whispered in his ear.

He brought his hand to my ass and tapped lightly three times.

"Good boy." I Say letting go of his leg and trying standing up.

He pulled me back down and I collapsed on his chest.

"We're not done yet." He said leaning up brushing his lips to mine.

"But I think we are." I say trying to get up again.

This time when he pulled me down he flipped so he was hovering over me with my arms above my head.

"Doesn't look like it." He said winking down at me.

" Dean you crack me up, what makes you think I want this?"

"Because like you said, you're a boxer, you're tough. You could easily get up. But- you don't want to. Do I guess I'll just set here and wait til you agree that you want me."

I leaned up and put my mouth to his ear, "don't threaten me with a good time."

I brought my knee up and hit him right in the groin.

"But like you said, I'm tough. I can easily get up!" I added while I stood over his body.

With that I walked into the changing room to put my jeans and tee shirt on.

A/N: So Bianca and Dean are getting closer, any predictions?:3


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