Chapter 16

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«present day»

«Jon's POV»

"Baby.. She's pregnant!? How far along?" I asked.

"Jon! We don't have time! It's her, or the baby." The doctor demanded.

My heart broke. I didn't want to pick. I shouldn't have to. I was so pissed off. I was ready to kill someone.

Finally I answered through clenched teeth, "the way I see it is I can have more kids.. There's only one Bianca. Save her."

The doctor nodded and rushed back into the room.

"Man, you're one tough sombitch! I couldn't make that decision. You okay?" Seth asked.

"I basically just killed my kid, how the hell do you think I feel?!" I yelled.

"I understand you're upset but don't take it out on Seth." Roman said.

I stood up and looked Roman in the eye, "shut the fuck up! Im going through shit people should never go through! The love of my life is under going open heart surgery and she pregnant. Our baby probably won't make it. So don't tell me what to fucking do."

I stormed off knocking some stuff off the receptionist desk in fury. As I finally made it outside I pulled out my cigarettes and started smoking them back to back. On my third one some guy came and say beside me.

"Can I bum one off ya?" He asked gesturing to my pack.

I handed him one hoping he would shut up.

"Why ya here?" He asked lighting it.

"My girl is in surgery." I said sternly.

"Sorry man."

I nodded, "why are you here?"

"I ain't got nowhere else to go. Bitch left me back in Cali so I packed up and I'm just floating from place to place."

" sorry man."

"I guess I deserved her leaving me though.."

"What'd you do?"

It's a long story. I true to fix it but I was drunk as fuck and tried to kill her. She ran and no ones seen her since."

"wow. No offense but I'd leave ya too!"

He huffed, "I just hope she is okay.."

"Jon? Doc needs you! Now." Seth said running to me.

"Sorry brother, gotta go, what was your name again?"


"Nice to meet you man, here take the rest." I handed him my pack of cigarettes and ran back I the hospital.

As I got back up the the floor she was on the doctor looked at me with sad eyes.

"Is she okay?" I asked worried.

"Alli is fine, bu-" the doc started to say.

I cut him off, "Alli?"

"Your girlfriend."

"No, no her name is Bianca."

"Sir I understand you're in shock and you might not be all there but she is okay. But the baby isn't. He didn't make it."

I looked at him confused.

"She was just under two months. I'll let you go in and see her."

I walked into her room and sat beside her bed.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You're Bee not this Alli chick!"

I got up and started pacing.

I seen her drivers license setting on the table and I grabbed it. Sure enough it was Bee's picture but the name Alli Vasquez.

The doctor walked in.

"she'll be awake in about 40 minutes. We didn't have to do the open heart. We just had to remove a little fluid. She's going to be just fine."

"Thanks doc." I said walking to her bed.

"I'll send the rest of your friends in and we can wait for her."

The doctor returned with Seth and Roman. As we say there patiently I apologized to Seth and to Roman and they both forgave me.

Finally Bee moved and we all got a bit closer.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Alli, you had a minor heart attack. We went in and removed some fluid. You're doing just fine. Don't worry."

She nodded and looked at Seth, then to Roman, lastly to me. Her face turned white.

"You okay.. ALLI?" I asked angrily.

"Guys can we have a few minutes?" Bee asked.

As Seth, Roman, and the doctor left the room I looked at Bee.

"I have a lot to explain.." She said.

"Ya think?" I asked frustrated.

"okay, so Joseph was my drug dealer. He kidnapped me and put me in a sex trafficking chain. Me and Mia broke free but two months ago he found me. He raped me.. Then me and Mia packed up and came down with to Nevada with BJ. I started going by Bianca so he wouldn't find me again.. I was going to tell you but I was afraid you'd leave.." Tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"He raped you..?" I felt my fist tighen.

She nodded yes, "and he tried to kill me. He showed up drunk."

"Did he go by Joe?" I asked mad.

"Sometimes, why."

"I'll be back." I said walking out the door.

As I made it outside I seen Joe still setting there smoking.

"Hey man. Is your girl okay."

He asked.

"Yeah she's good. Man, what did you say your bitches name was?" I asked.

"Alli, why?"

I grabbed him by his neck and slammed him on the ground.

"You stay the fuck away from her you god damn prick!" I screamed as I punched him.

My hand started throbbing as I felt blood covering it.

He laid there not moving.

"Got it?"

"Yeah.." He managed to speak.

I walked back upstairs and went to Bee's room. I grabbed her by her face and kisses her.

"He won't bother you anymore!" I said.

"How do you know?"

"Because I'm here."

"I love you."

"I need to tell you something."


"You were pregnant.."

"What happen?"

"They baby didn't make it.."

"Our baby died..?"

"Bee or Alli, whatever you want me to call you, it wasn't mine. You were around two months.. It was his."

She looked at me discussed.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm Bee. Not Alli." She said rolling over.

I went to touch her shoulder but she smacked my hand away.

"Leave me alone Dean."

I hung my head down and left the hospital.

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