Chapter 1

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Your POV

Like any other day, I was on my patrol. Being the head guard of New Meteli isn't the easiest thing in the world.

I had another hour till my patrol was completed. I then got an uneasy feeling.

My Sensory Magicks are going haywire.

"Cloud, take my patrol form here." I ordered.

He nodded and I started to walk where my Magicks told me to go. I realized I was being brought out of the village so I put up my hood to keep my identity a secret.

No one knows that I am a Ro'meave. Not even my brothers know. And I have no proof that I am a Ro'meave. People would have to take my word and to most, that's not enough.

I mean this cloak that my mother gave me has my full name on it, so maybe-

I realized I was at the top of a hill by now and that our gates were open. I ran back to New Meteli and jumped on the roofs of houses.

I spotted that Lord Cadenza was back, but she wasn't alone. She was accompanied by others.

My Magicks gave me a comforting feeling around them, but I needed to make sure my lord was safe.

I jumped down from the roof, pulled out my sword, aimed it at the newcomers, and asked sternly, "Who. Are. You."

This scared everyone and they all took a step back.

A brown haired male stepped forward with his emerald sword.

"How dare you try and strike at Lady Aphmau!" He yelled, as he charged in my direction.

My guard instinct told me to pull out my other sword and block him. I did that and knocked the sword out of his hand, all while keeping my other sword pointed at the rest of the group.

"(Y/n)! Stand down! How dare you strike at our guests!" Cadenza said in a stern tone.

I took a deep breath and seathed my swords.

"My apologizes." I bowed to both Cadenza and the strangers.

"We will talk about this later." Cadenza growled.

Must've been a long trip. She's never like this.

"Who are our guests?" I asked Cadenza.

"This is Aphmau, Katelyn, Emmalyn, Kenmur, and The Stranger." She gestured to each person once she said their names. "And the person you knocked to the ground is actually my adoptive brother, Laurence."

"Aren't these the people that disappeared fifteen years ago? The people that supposedly?" I asked with a harsh tone.

Cadenza nodded.

"Is Garroth with you guys?" I asked eagerly. "Zane even?"

They shook their heads slowly.

"Are they dead?" I asked holding back the tears.

They shook their heads. I nodded

"I need to speak with Aphmau about something important." Cadenza started. "Take our friends to their rooms where they'll be staying."

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