Chapter 35

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Your POV

After Cadenza's explosion, Laurence, Vlyad, and I went back to Phoenix Drop.

We walked through the portal and went home. You know, the home I'm sharing with with three boys. THREE. BOYS.

Laurence had his own room and I'm letting Garroth room with Vlyad.

We went to sleep.


We woke up the next morning and the girls decided we should have a spa day.

"We really don't have to." I assured them.

"We have to have one!" Lucinda protested. "It's been a stressful month and we deserve a day to ourselves."

"I'm in." Leona said.

"Whatever. As long as there is a no splashing rule." Katelyn said.

"Katelyn! You're supposed to have my back on this one!" I shouted.

"I think it'll be good to relax." Aphmau admitted.

"You guys have fun relaxing. I have too much to do to-"

Lucinda cut me off by casting a spell on me.

"Perfect." Lucinda smiled in satisfaction.

She put me in a F/c bikini.

I sighed and gave in.

It would be nice to just relax for a day.

We walked up the mountain and sat in the pool.

"Ahhhhhh, isn't this nice ladies?" Lucinda said.

"I guess so." I muttered.

"I think it's great!" Leona added.

"Agreed." Aphmau agreed.

"It is nice to just be able to relax." Katelyn sighed.

"I understand we've been through a lot recently, but I think we should talk about the personal stuff." Lucinda said mysteriously.

"Wait." Leona stopped.

She started to sniff the air.

"The lavender must be messing with my senses." Leona shook off the thought.

I feel something too. Is the lavender messing with my sense too?

"I can still smell better than Yip!" Leona gloated.

"I think Leona likes Yip. She's always mentioning him." Lucinda teased.

"What?! No-"

"Isn't she too young for Yip?" Katelyn questioned.

"No. I found Yip when he was two. So, they're only two years apart." Aphmau answered.

"Makes sense. He only looks older cause he's taller." I comprehended.

"Can we stop talking about that jerk?" Leona asked. "He's annoying."

"Fine. Fine. How about you (Y/n)? How's you and Laurence's relationship going?" Lucinda turned to me.

"Fine, I guess." I said a bit awkwardly. "We've only been dating for a day."

"Yeah. But there was always some chemistry between you two, wasn't there?"

"Well yeah-"

"You two are an adorable couple." Leona commented.

"Thank you?" I questioned.

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