Chapter 6

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Your POV

I brought Laurence back to my room so he could rest.

I didn't leave his side.

"What did you do?" Aphmau's asked.

"I slashed at him. I didn't want to. But I had to." I replied not taking my eyes off him.

"Why?" Aphmau was confused.

"That wasn't Laurence. The darkness in him took control and he was lost. I didn't wanna hurt him, but if I didn't, so many people including myself and you would've been killed. Now when Laurence came back he would be torn." I explained.

She nodded.

"You can't allow how you feel to get in the way of protecting people. I was expecting a fight from him but he didn't even move." I was thinking out loud at this point.

"I'll leave now. Aphmau will be the first things Laurence wants to see." I stood up from the chair.

"No, it'll be you." Katelyn said.

I gave her a questioning look. She and everyone else walked out of the room.

Laurence started to groan and I ran back to him.

"(Y/n)?" He asked.

"Here." I said.

"My shoulder is killing me. What happened? Where am I?" Laurence asked.

"You're in my room. You wanted to fight the Shadow Souls by yourself, only, you turned blade on me.. again." I explained.

"Did I hurt you again? Gah, I'm such an idiot." Laurence reprimanded himself.

"You're not wrong that you're an idiot." I
half-joked. "You're also very hotheaded, cocky, stupid, and impulsive. But that's not the point. I struck you down before you could do anything."

"You sure can pack a hit." He commented.

"I didn't want to. I didn't want to hurt you." I started to tear up. "But I knew that if you came back and someone was dead at the hands of you, I know how you would feel."

"It's okay. I'm not mad." He said.

He grunted in pain.

I grabbed his hand and started to concentrate. I then healed his shoulder.

"Better?" I asked.

"Loads." He smiled at he sat up.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"What for?"

"For hurting you." I answered.

"If you didn't do that-

"I know but, I didn't want to." I looked down and he stood up.

He walked near the balcony door.

"(Y/n), come here." Laurence said.

I walked over and he caught by surprise. He pulled me into a kiss.

I didn't pull away. I kissed back in fact. After a few more seconds, we pulled away for air.

"I would NEVER hurt you or anyone else. I promise." Laurence promised.

"..Why did you just kiss me?" I asked staring into his baby blue eyes.

"Sealing a promise. Heh, kind of funny though, I was expecting you to pull away." He chuckled a bit.

I blushed.

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