Chapter 32

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Laurence's POV

It was now just (Y/n) and I.

I was completely loosing my mind. I really like (Y/n). She is beautiful, smart, resourceful, beautiful, caring, funny; did I mention beautiful?

Ever since day one of us meeting, I really liked her. Aphmau has already rejected me, so there's no way we could ever be together.

Maybe (Y/n) is how I move on. I don't mean that I'm using her! I just mean she's made it easier fo me to move past Aphmau.

Aphmau was my first real crush. (Y/n) is my second, and hopefully final crush. It's pretty obvious she feels the same way.

I just don't think she knows how to tell me. I would straight up tell her, but I don't want to freak her out.

We've gotten so close this past year I've known her and I really like her. Maybe this is my chance.

"So..." I said randomly.

"So..." She repeated.

"You got a boyfriend?" I asked her.

"That was a stupid question." (Y/n) shook her head.

"Yeah, I know." I scratched the back of my head.

"To answer your question, no. I do not have a boyfriend." She grinned. "Do you have a girlfriend I don't know about?"

"What?! No! No! No." I panicked a bit.

She started giggling.

"Your laugh is adorable." I commented cheekily.

She stopped laughing and looked at me with a blush. I blushed too.

We stood in silence for a bit.

"I need to tell you something!" We said at the same time.

We froze and laughed it off.

"You go first." We said in unison again.

"Ladies first." I smirked.

"Riiiiiight, that's why I'm letting you go first." She shot back.

"Ouch!" I gripped my chest dramatically. "That hurt!"

"Do you need to step into the river right outside the hideout for that burn?" She continued.

"You're just full of sarcasm today, aren't you?" I smirked once more.

"And you aren't." She stated. "You should really step up your game; you're too easy to tease."

I playfully rolled my eyes and so did she.

"What'd you want to tell me?" (Y/n) asked.

"That I've got feelings for you." I said bluntly.

She froze and her eyes widened.

"How long?" She said with her voice cracking a bit.

"Since we met." I admitted.

"That's so cute!" She squealed.

"Do you feel the same?" I asked idiotically.

"I think it's pretty obvious." She replied. "You figured it out the day-"

"I kissed you." I finished her sentence.

"Correct." She chuckled a bit.

"To be fair, you kissed me first." I smirked.

"What? No I didn't." She shook her head.

"Yes you did." I argued. "The first day we met, you were all over me."

"Not true!"

"Yes true!"

"I was saving life! You were drowning! What was I supposed to do?"

"Calm down! I was just teasing you." I reassured her.

"I know." She muttered.

We stopped talking for two seconds and then we heard clapping. We turned to face the clapping noise.

"I knew if I left you two alone, you'd admit your feelings." Garroth said cheekily.

"You planned this?!" (Y/n) and I said in sync.

"Technically I expected this, not planned it." Garroth said smartly.

"Get over here, smart ass!" (Y/n) started to chase Garroth around.

She's adorable. She's perfect.

Here's the announcement-

I can confirm there will be a book 2

So get ready!!

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