Chapter 34

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Laurence's POV

"What do you mean she never asked for a new backpack?" I questioned.

"Yeah, she sent us here to get one." Vlyad added.

"I offered her a backpack, but she didn't want one because the one she had belonged to someone special to her." Donna reasoned.

Vlyad and I looked at each other and we just knew.

"Oh no." We both said.

We took off, leaving Donna confused as ever.

"Vlyad, stop!" I ordered once we were in front of the gates. "Look!"

I pointed to the ground and we both saw two puppy footprints.

"(Y/n). Her two puppies. Axel and Roxy." I stated.

Vlyad nodded and we started running again. (Y/n)'s tracks began at the gate, and stopped about 20 feet ahead.

"Where did she go?" He asked. "You don't thinks she ran off again, do you?"

"She didn't. She is going to Meteli." I stated. "(Y/n) is a good secret keeper, but is a terrible liar. Typically."

"Just like Garroth." Vlyad laughed a bit.

"Let's go. If we're fast enough, we might be able to catch up to her."

He nodded and we were on our way.

Your POV

I was running until I found her.

"How dare you attack Phoenix Drop while I'm not there. You're lucky I came back, it this 'meeting' would've been worse." I said angrily.

"What else was I supposed to do? I was getting bored and the protector was gone, I had an opportunity so I took it." Ivy reasoned. "And like you said, you showed up, so it's not like anything too interesting happened."

"The possibility something could've happened is why I'm here. You've made a huge mistake in taking that risk." I threatened.

"You've made and even greater mistake showing up here." Ivy shot back.

I growled and our swords clashed.

"I'd love to fight, really, but I'm on a tight schedule and I need to go. Bye!" Ivy then ran away.

"Get back here, you chicken!"

It didn't matter. She was already gone.

I kicked the dirt and I started to head to Meteli.

What was she doing near Meteli? She never comes this far out.

"Who goes there?" Zack shouted from above.

"Excuse you, but I happen to live here." I joked.

"(Y/n)?" Zack questioned.

"Yes, now open the gates damnit." I continued to joke.

We always joked like that. I kinda miss it.

When I stepped into the village a gust of nostalgia filled my head. It was a comforting feeling.

"What're you doing here?" He asked me.

"Do I need a reason to come and visit my old village?" I shot at him.

"Well, no, but-"

"Whatever. Where's the head guard? Need to reprimand him." I cut Zack off.

"Who? Vincent? Why?"

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