Chapter 29

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Your POV

We were now back in Phoenix Drop because the refugees were attacked. Aphmau, Katelyn, Zoey, and I all ran to the portal; armed, of course.

Today is not going great. When Aphmau woke up this morning, both her fragment and Aaron were gone.

We tried to reassure her as best as we could. But now this happens!

When we walked into the gates of Phoenix Drop, I felt an ominous aroma. I squeezed my sword tighter so I could be in my guard.

I then heard an evil laugh.

It's her! It's Ivy!

"This is just too delicious!" She giggled evilly.

"You!" Katelyn and I said in unison.

No on dared asked me why I knew her. When Katelyn had enough of Ivy's teasing, their swords clashed together.

Ivy took Katelyn down.

"What're you gonna do about it, (Y/n)?" Ivy asked me.

I growled and out swords clashed.

"More powerful than Katelyn." Ivy said in an amazed tone. "You don't like when people hurt your friends. Especially, when it's right in front of your face."

We both put more pressure on our swords. I took my sword away and I slashed at her arm. She jumped back on top of the wall.

"I don't wanna fight right now." Ivy made a 'sad face'.

I growled once more.

"See you later!" She said happily.

I hate her.

"Or not." Her expression dropped.

As soon as she left, we brought Katelyn to the treehouse.

Aphmau then started to scream Katelyn's name.

"Aphmau!" I snapped, causing her to flinch. "Shouting her name isn't going to help her! If anything, it'll give her a headache when she wakes up!"

"Sorry." Aphmau looked down.

"It's alright." I said.

Katelyn woke up.

She was so angry she was taken down by Ivy. Travis then walked up the latter. He asked if Ivy was pretty.

I walked over to Travis and I punch him in the gut.

"This woman just hurt Katelyn! And you have the audacity to ask if she's cute?!" I questioned.

"Sorry." He apologized.

"Is not alright." I shot back.

Out of no where, there was a huge explosion.

"Was that an explosion?" I jumped.

Travis ran to Katelyn's side immediately to protect her.

"Travis stay here with Katelyn! (Y/n), let's go!" Aphmau ordered quickly.

We ran to out of Phoenix Drop, Levin trailing not far behind us.

The was a huge hole right where the Irene Dimension was. But that wasn't the most shocking part. Garroth was standing right in front of it.

Tears streamed down my face as Aphmau hugged Garroth.

"Garroth!" Aphmau screamed.

"If you're here, then that means-" I stopped myself from getting too excited.

I slid down the huge ditch.

I could hear everything going on between Garroth and Aphmau.

I saw Zane's sword in the ground. I dropped to my knees in front of it and started to cry.

I knew he was a bad person, but he was still my brother!

I punched the ground in anger and I got a huge cut in my hand. I picked up what I punched and I gasped.

"Aphmau." I turned around while hold Aaron's sword.

"Aphmau... I'm so sorry." I heard Garroth say.

Aphmau's eyes filled with tears and she screamed at the top of her lungs, causing her to pass out.

Aaron is dead... Zane is dead. This can't be happening to me. I did all this to find out he, Zane, my brother... is dead?

Then Aaron. He and Aphmau always treated me like a daughter. Flashbacks of him started flashing through my brain.

I couldn't take it so I just screamed, as loud as I could. Just like Aphmau. I then screamed again. And again. And again. And again. I screamed until my throat felt like sand paper.

I climbed out of the ditch and started to go crazy. Dante and Malachi came running. Malachi ran to me while Dante helped Aphmau.

"Malachi!" I wailed. "My brother! He's dead! He's gone!"

He was so confused.

I didn't care who knew now. I wanted everyone to know.

"Aaron! He's also- he's, he's dead!" I was loosing my voice.

"You need to rest." Malachi said soothingly.

My breathing calmed down.

I stood up and walked to a nearby tree. I pulled out my sword and I slashed at it; the tree fell to the ground.

I then attacked another tree. I couldn't stop. I was uncontrollable. Then, I threw my sword at a random tree and I started punching a different one. My fists were bleeding but I didn't care.

"Stop it!" Garroth yelled. "Stop! You're hurting yourself!"

I continued to punch the tree.

Arms wrapped around my waist and started pulling my away. It was Garroth.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I started flailing my limbs everywhere.

Garroth let me go and ordered, "Look at me!"

I paused and looked at him.

"You're alive." I said with amazement.

I hugged him tight; surprisingly, he hugged back. 

"Let's get you home." He said soothingly.

I jerked away from him.

I'm so angry and happy at the same time.

I walked over to the unconscious Aphmau and I picked her up bridal style.

"Y/n, your hands are-"

"I. Don't. Care." I cut Dante off.

I carried her back to the treehouse. I placed her on the bed.

"What happened?" Travis and Katelyn asked.

"We heard screaming." Katelyn said.

"Aaron and Zane are dead." I said bitterly.

"Aaron's..?" Katelyn drifted off.

"He's dead and so is my brother." A tear fell from my eye.


I walked down the latter.

I walked to the portal. I walked through the portal. I got to the beach and I just cried.

I cried myself to sleep; for the first time in a long time.

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