chapter 43.

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Your POV

I've decided.

I know what I have to do. I want to start fresh. Maybe that will finally make me satisfied? I have to take that chance.

It's been weeks since that trip to the mountain. Since then, I've been planning like crazy. Getting all the materials needed.

I've gathered everything.

Though I want to start fresh, I can't just completely leave everyone behind. I decided to leave them a note.

A vague, but detailed note.

If they could figure out the code, they'd find me. But if I'm gonna leave, I want to see everyone one last time.

I went to Phoenix Drop and saw Emmalyn, Kenmur, Donna, and Logan talking by the shore.

"Hello, Y/n." Kenmur greeted, as I continued to approach them.

"Hello!" I greeted back. "What're you all up to?"

"We were thinking of ways we could help restore Phoenix Drop back into the blooming village it once was." Kenmur explained.

"I think it'd be a good idea to expand. Phoenix Drop's population will boom once word gets around that the once fallen Village is back on its feet." Emmalyn explained.

"We need more places for the temporary merchants. We should think of building vacant shacks for temporary and permanent." Donna brought up.

"We should make houses even bigger and better." Logan suggested.

"Those are all great ideas." I stated. "Kenmur, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course." He replied.

"What'd you need to talk about?" Kenmur asked, once we were farther away from them.

I handed him a rolled up piece of parchment.

"Don't open this until the date that's listed." I instructed.

"Why?" He questioned.

"Just please open it on that date." I requested. "It's nothing bad, it's pretty helpful actually."

"Okay, Y/n." He nodded.

I told him I had to go find Dante.

I walked to Dante and Kawaii~Chan's home. Nekoette and Dmitri were doing their weekly visit, so they were there as well.

"Y/n~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed.

"Hi!" I smiled.

Man, this family could always make me happy.

"I just wanted to give you guys this. But don't open it until the listed date." I told them, as I handed the paper to Dante.

"What is it?" Dante asked, trying to peak at the paper.

"Its a surprise." I replied as I lightly smacked his head away from the paper.

"I like surprises!" Dmitri stated.

"Me too!" Nekoette agreed.

"Well when they open the surprise, you guys can be there too." I turned to them.

They cheered in happiness.

I told them I had to go. We hugged, and I left.

Levin and Malachi were taking naps. I don't blame them, running a village is hard. I found everyone else in the village and checked in with them.

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