Chapter 18

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Your POV

After explaining to what happened in O'khasis to Nicole, I agreed to help Katelyn search for Abby.

We've been searching for four hours and we've found nothing.

I then got a bad feeling.


I saw a pack of wolves up ahead.

I grabbed Katelyn and slapped my hand over her mouth as I brought her behind a tree so we could hide.

"Shhhh. The wolves we were captured by are here." I shushed as I let her go.

We then climbed up the tree and waited for them to leave.

"They have to be around here somewhere." One of the wolves stated.

"They are here." The second wolf replied.

"Maybe we should just go back and look again later?" The third wolf suggested.

"Fine." The first wolf complied.

When I was sure they left, we made a break for Scaleswind.

~•Time Skip•~

So right now I am back in Phoenix Drop without Katelyn.

Katelyn wanted me to and I quote, "Help Vlyad protect Phoenix Drop."

So that's what I'm doing.

Katelyn wanted to stay in Scaleswind for another day or so to keep looking for Abby.

As I was patrolling, I saw something thin moving back and forth in a wagging motion.

As I grew closer to whatever was moving, I soon realized it was a puppy. It was a baby German Shepard.

"Aw, how cute." I said with a cute voice.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Someone asked from behind.

I turned to see it was Vlyad.

"Nothing. It was just a dog." I replied.

"You mean two?" He corrected.

"What?" I looked down and saw that another dog appeared.

"No parents?" Vlyad asked curiously.

"Apparently no." I looked around.

"It's one boy and a girl." Vlyad said looking at both German Shepard's. "What're you going to do?"

"Since there's no parents, they'll become my dogs." I replied.

"What're you going to name them?" He asked curiously.

"I'm gonna name the girl Roxy and the boy Axel." I smiled.

"Good choice in names." Vlyad complimented. "Let's get these two back to the safe hold."

I nodded and we headed to the Levin's home. We got some towels and soap. After that, we were on our way to the bathroom.

Vlyad was giving Axel a bath and I was giving Roxy one at the same time.

Vlyad then playfully splashed some water at me. My mouth opened and I splashed him.

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