Chapter 30

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Your POV

I woke up to Vlyad and Laurence shaking my awake. I sat up.

"(Y/n)!" Laurence hugged me.

I didn't react.

"Why do you have blood on your fists?" Laurence asked me.

"Where are the others?" Vlyad asked.

Laurence let me go.

I stood up and walked through the portal; they followed me.

I walked to the treehouse and saw that Garroth was awake; Aphmau and Katelyn were still asleep.

"Garroth!" Vlyad and Laurence shouted.

They tackled him with a hug.

"(Y/n)! Our brother is back! How're you not excited?" Vlyad slipped up. "Oops! I mean-"

"I don't care. I already mentioned it yesterday." I said bitterly.

"Okaaaaaaay? How're you not excited? What happened?"

"Aaron and Zane are dead." I said with no emotion. "And it's my fault."

"What?" Laurence questioned.

Garroth explained everything.

"I was gonna do it." I stated. "That's why it's
my fault."

"What?" Garroth questioned me.

"I was gonna be the one to save Garroth. I was gonna be the one dead. Damn bastard." I explained. "I was gonna save you Garroth. But Aaron beat me to it. It wouldn't have mattered if I died-"

"Of course it would've mattered if you died!" Laurence objected.

"Laurence is right." Vlyad agreed.

"I didn't care. I just wanted to break the barrier."

"Why?" Garroth asked.

"Because I wanted my brothers back."

"Can you explain to me what you mean?" Garroth was still confused.

"It's your choice if you believe me or not. I don't care right now." I said with an attitude. "I am your sister. I was four when you guys disappeared. Our parents kept me a secret from you so I wouldn't end up like you guys."

"What do you mean 'like us'?" Garroth asked stupidly.

"What do I mean? Garroth, you and Zane have been gone for sixteen years. Vlyad's been missing for longer." I explained. "I didn't even know I had brothers till I thirteen. When I found out I ran away; I wanted find you all. I wanted meet you all. I wanted to be a family."

"(Y/n)..." Garroth said sympathetically.

"I guess I'm just not meant to have a family." A tear escaped from my eye. "I'm supposed to be alone for the rest of my life-"

Vlyad cut me off by giving me a hug.

"How is this possible? That's not possible." Garroth questioned.

"You don't believe me?" I looked at him.

"How could I? This is so sudden. It doesn't make sense. "


"Why do you believe her? Where's the evidence?" Garroth cut off Vlyad.

"There is none-"

"Then why do you believe her?" Garroth cut me off. 

There was no convincing him. It was no use. I just walked out of the treehouse. I walked into the woods.

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