Chapter 23

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Your POV

Once we got back to the others, I apologized to Travis. He said it was okay and that was that. After that, everyone set up camp and went to sleep.

When we woke up, we decided we should explore the island. We then came across the ruins of a city.

When we finally decided to check out the ruins, we realized that the idiot bimbo, Chad, ran off; most likely towards the ruins.

"That idiot!" I exclaimed as I ran down he mountain; everyone was trailing behind me.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" Laurence stopped me.

We were at the entrance of the place.

"I hate a being a good person." Aphmau complained.

"I have an idea!" Laurence announced; I swear I saw a lightbulb above his head, seriously. "Look at this ruin! It's a rock! It possibly has educational value here!"

I face palmed.

"Okay, I got nothing." Laurence let out a small sigh.

"Nice try." I walked over to him and patted him on the back.

"He could be in trouble." Aphmau suggested.

"Then so be it." Katelyn muttered.

"Katelyn!" Aphmau reprimanded.

"Aphmau's right." I said. "We should start searching for him. Katelyn, Aphmau, and I will go to the right. And Travis, Vlyad, and Laurence will go left."

"You and I should witch places." Travis stated.

"Why?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I wanna make sure you ladies are safe." Travis bluffed.

"And you don't think I'm capable of doing that?" My eyebrow raised.

"I mean you can, but-"

"Stop with the butts." I cut Travis off.

(A/N: see what I did there lolol)

"I'm trying to keep you away from-"

"I like (Y/n)'s plan. Let go with it." Katelyn finished my sentence for me.

Everyone eventually went with the idea and we parted ways.

After five minuets Katelyn and Aphmau stopped and started talking about Aphmau.

"You always trust people. And you always see the good in them." Katelyn reasoned. "That is why you're such a good person.

"Maybe you should see the darkness in people." I muttered randomly.

Why did I say that?

"What was that?" Aphmau questioned.

"I said I agree with Katelyn." I lied.

They nodded.


"(Y/n)?" Both Aphmau and Katelyn looked to me to see if my Sensory Magicks could track him.

"That is Chad." I said.

We bolted in the direction.

"Where is he?" Aphmau complained.

"These walls are making his voice come in different directions!" Katelyn added.

"If you two stop talking, I'd be able to track him easier." I snapped.

They drew a sharp breath.

"Sorry." I apologized immediately.

They told me it was fine and I continued to concentrate.

"This way." I said to both Katelyn and Aphmau.

"(Y/n)?" Chad questioned. "I can't see you. *Gasp*, did you learn how to make yourself invisible?! Tell me your ways of mystery woman!"

"No! Chad! I can't make myself invisible!" I shouted quickly and angrily. "Now stop distracting me and let me concentrate so I can find you!"

"I should've known better! My ex intent got the better of me!" Chad shouted once more.

I could hear Katelyn face palm and Aphmau sigh.

I'm with you two.

"Like a bat, I fly!" I hear Chad announce.

"Chad you better not be jumping from ruin to ruin!" Aphmau warned.

I then heard a thud and Chad said ouch.

"Oh. My. Irene." I said annoyed.

I finally got his exact location and I walked in that direction. Only problem is that there's a huge hold in the ground.

"We're gonna have to hop this wall- okay." Katelyn cut herself off when she saw I jumped across the ditch.

"Aphmau jump to me." I ordered.

She did so and I caught her. I did the same for Katelyn.

Chad then ran towards me and I turned away; he fell in the ditch we just jumped over.

"Are you kidding me?! Chad!" I screeched.

"This crazy old coot!" Katelyn started laughing.

"I wanna cry." Aphmau whined.

"Are you ladies alright? We heard yelling." Laurence walked up next to me.

"We found Chad." I got straight to the point.

"How about you look in the ditch we're standing in front of?" I suggested.

He did so and saw Chad.

"Oh. My. Irene." Laurence said with no emotion.

"I'm exploring kids!" Chad shouted. "Go on without me! I'll be fine."

We then decided that the four of us would venture into the castle looking thing. Once we got up to the castle, it looked oddly familiar.

"How can this-" Katelyn cut herself off.

"This looks.." Laurence started.

"Like the building we saw in the Irene Dimension." Aphmau finished.

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