Chapter 4

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Your POV

"Where do I begin?" I asked.

I am going to give her hints that I am the Ro'meave's daughter.

"I was born on August 31st. My childhood was pretty normal until I was thirteen. When I was thirteen, I ran away from home." I started.

"Why?" Katelyn asked.

"My parents." I started. "They pampered me. I wasn't allowed to venture outside of the walls. All I wanted was an adventure."

"So, you ran away to find your adventure?" She put together.

"Yes." I replied.

"What village?" She asked.

"O'khasis." I replied instantly.

"Anyway, I then heard talk of Phoenix Drop. How it was crumbling to the ground. I wanted to help bring back on its feet." I continued. "So, I ventured to the village where I met Dante. He was alone; standing in one spot. He told me everything and I promised him that I would wait with him, and that I would do everything in my power to bring Phoenix Drop back to its original state."

Katelyn nodded.

"A year goes by and nothing happened. Dante started to think of me as his own daughter. He started to teach me about combat and skill. I owe everything I have to Dante. I told him that we should build the safe hold and see if anyone from the original Phoenix Drop would come back. He agreed and we started building. Months go by, and people came back. Not everyone, sadly, but it was enough. We hired guards and we tried to come back. Zoey soon brought Levin and Malachi back. Zoey continued to treat the two like she were their mom. I treated them like they were my brothers. Everyone from Phoenix Drop told me so many stories about you guys. And I wanted you guys out of the Irene Dimension. I wanted to meet each and every one of you. Before coming to Phoenix Drop, I heard about Lord Garte's sons going missing. I heard about Vlyad being dead, and Garroth and Zane just gone. I wanted to meet them. All of three of them. Moving on, another year passed and word got around that Phoenix Drop was rising again. Cadenza came by and the two of us hit off. We became great friends very fast. She told me about New Meteli and how she was the lord. She told me stories of her adoptive brother and how he was the old head guard of old Meteli. She offered me to go with her. Obviously, I took her offer and became her guard. A year passed and I became her head guard. I visited Phoenix Drop as frequently as I could. But when Cadenza had to leave, she would sometimes ask me to take over the village. Then you guys showed up three years later and here we are." I finished.

"What about your Magicks?" Katelyn asked.

"I was born with Sensory Magicks. Meaning, I can feel energy. When something bad is going to happen, I know before hand. Same thing all around. It can also let me know when someone is lying. I've also taught myself how to read minds with my Magicks." I explained.

"You can read our minds?!" Katelyn panicked.

"Don't worry, I haven't read any of your minds yet." I smirked.

She let out a sigh in relief.

"I also picked up a thing or two on Healing Magicks. That is probably one of the most useful Magicks out there." I finished.

Katelyn nodded.

"What about you being a Premature Shadow Knight?" Katelyn asked.

"I was already head guard of New Meteli for a year. I was on patrol when I stopped and watched kids playing in the park. This one little girl, Lily, she looked up to me. Next thing I knew she was taken by Sasha. Zack and I both ran to save her. She was eight at the time. Anyway, we made it to the Nether and broke her out of a cage. Shadow Souls started tailing us and we couldn't keep running for much longer. I pushed Zack and Lily ahead of me and the Shadow Souls took me. Only thing keeping me sane was the fact that people need my help. You guys needed me to help bring you out of the Irene Dimension, Cadenza needed me to help with New Meteli, and Dante needed my help with Phoenix Drop. So many more people were counting on me."

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